The Challenge Begins

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The challenge began simply. The first few days it started Ember stayed in her room. A pirate brought her three meals a day, while the food was not great, she didn't go hungry. Calder only visited once. He came the first evening to say Goodnight.


His dark presence filled the room, making it stuffy as soon as the door closed. He spoke his words calmly, softly, so that his deep voice filled the room like an echo. Ember sat on the edge of her bed when he said Goodnight and motioned him out after his Goodnight. He stayed and sat beside her. She scooted away not wanting to be too close. She would not allow the pirate to get the upper hand. Her stubborn will would not allow her to do so. She ignored him and turned her face away. When a large, warm, and calloused hand gently grabbed her chin and turned her face towards his she fought to turn away again. "Come now, my dear. Don't be so ornery," Calder whispered into her ear. His thumb stroked the soft skin of her chin and Ember continued to ignore him. "The deal was that you would be open to my advances and would be open-minded. You have been neither." Ember decided she would answer. "You never mentioned anything of the sort." Calder chuckled and a smirk crawled upon his scarred handsome face. "I just did." Ember released a slight huff of exasperation. She rolled her eyes and Calder's hand let go of her chin to capture her hand. He gave it a slight squeeze and turned farther to face her. "You seem like the type of girl who longs for adventure, but is scared of it at the same time. Let this be your first adventure then. Jump in with both feet and hope for the best...and if it doesn't work out, then just grab a needle and some thread and patch up whatever damage was done. But, if it does work, then know that I will always be here for you. I will not just step out because it got too hard. I am not a quitter and I hope you aren't either." Calder turned further to directly face her. "Spread your wings little bird, and leap. Even if you fall, just try again." Ember was speechless. Out of everything she had ever known and did not know she never could have imagined this. A man, one said to be ruthless offered himself to her. Offering his love and his spirit. He wanted her, out of every other woman he could have chosen, and he chose her. Though her memory had not fully come back yet, she knew her memories held no kindness such as this man offered. In a last effort to gain her trust, Calder took her other hand as well. "Let me help you fly." Ember, her mouth agape and her thoughts jumbled, managed a slight move of her head. One that could mistaken for a no but truly meant a yes. White teeth poked out from beneath pink lips on a certain pirate's face. Calder stood quickly and pulled Ember up with him. "You won't regret it." And then with a clank of his sword and the bump of a door he was gone.


Ember slept fitfully that night and woke with a sore neck. A jostle woke her from the caverns of her mind and she looked around for the source. "Missy, you best get below deck. Storms be comin'," Ember thanked the ragged pirate for his warning and followed his instructions, tiptoeing down the rotten wood steps. Carefully watching her feet, she didn't notice the two burly men standing beside the bottom step. As she got closer to the bottom her ears caught tidbits of their conversation. "Why be she still aboard? Ye know tis bad luck t' have a beauty aboard. Specially a wee lass like herself. Ye should have jest let her off at t' last port stop," the man Ember did not recognize spoke first. "I have made the lass a challenge. Afterwards it will be decided whether she will stay or if she will go." With that, Calder looked up and caught Ember's eye. The other pirate who Ember suspected to be the co-captain looked up at Calder's silence. "Well if it is nae the wench we be talkin' bout."  Ember's cheeks took upon a red blush. She attempted to continue down the stairs but Calder stopped her. "I want ye to lock your door and stay in your room until I come to get you. Be silent and keep your light dimmed. We may have some rougher pirates coming aboard and if they find you, you can kiss your escape goodbye." Ember simply nodded and took another step forward. The other pirate stopped her again once Calder disappeared up the steps.  "Ye best be leavin' soon miss, I cannae promise your safety should ye stay too long. Calder cannae protect ye forever. Pirates get rowdy around young lasses and I won't be helpin' t'likes o' ye." The pirate stopped as if wanting the dramatic affect and then continued speaking. "I do not know of your arrangements with him and while all of us respect him he can be foolish at times." After his small speech he proceeded up the steps as if nothing had happened. Ember did her best to shake it off but the words of the greasy pirate echoed in her mind long after she reached her room. Ember, haunted by his words, forgot to lock her door.

So sorry it's so short but I just wanted to get it out to you guys! I hope you enjoy it and leave comments please!


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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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