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Waking up on a Monday early as 6 a.m. about to start to get ready for school reaching for my phone to turn of the alarm. I see that I have e-mail from my mentor. It says that we wont have class today she has a big event last minute to be at so class is canceled. 

 Lying on my bed-thinking if I should go back to sleep or get up. Might as well go out for a hike. Not caring what I look like getting up and out of bed slipping out of my pajamas I put on some work out clothes black leggings, a black sport bra with a loose dark pink tank top, light grey Nike running shoes. Brushing my hair into a simple ponytail too lazy to braid my hair.

 Mom and dad have are still sleeping and so is Alan. Heading out the door I hear footsteps looking at the staircase it my mom.

"Where are you going Hun?" She says waking to the kitchen making some coffee. She walks in her pink silk nightgown, she long hair cascades on her right shoulder.

 "Going out for a hike, do you want come with? My class got cancelled because my teacher has a last minute event that is important and needs lots of prep time."

"No thank you sweety, I'll just see you later in the afternoon."

 The perfect place of a run and hike is by the beach side it is such a beautiful sight to see one you get to the top. Getting into my car white Kia Optima driving distance its about ten minutes or so; and find a good parking spot next to the mountain under a large oak tree.

Plugging in my headphones to my phone, going over my playlist I eventually choose my reggeaton playlist. Some Don Omar and Daddy Yankee will pump me up for this hike. Putting on my Raybans sunglasses on, reaching for a water bottle from the trunk. Closing the car in all its time to "get er done."

 Stretching looking at the mountain I see there is a couple already at the top and coming down. I wonder at what time they get here it's about its 6:45 a.m.; they must have gotten here very early. The sun has just stared to rise up and the mountain looks so cool I can smell the sea breeze already. Stared to walk for a bit and then the good part is about the hike.

The mountain looks beautiful just as the sun is rising. The sun is peaking out; little rays of yellows and oranges in they sky. Looking down I can see more people just arriving and starting to get here for their morning workout. The hike can get a little tricky in some parts trying to get to the top.

Going over large rocks and small hills I finally the get to the top of the hiking trail. Half way threw the hike I take off the tank top I start to get hot my water bottle is almost done. The scene is beautiful the sun is on top the ocean is blue, I can smell the sea breeze as I breath in. So far I was the only person here.

At the top I stretch just in case I don't pull a muscle going down. Facing the ocean just relaxing the music is bounding in my ears. Siting on the grassy relaxing embracing the breeze.

Wiping off the sweat from my back. I take off my glassed to get a better look at the view and lay on the grass. I can feel somebody right behind me I can feel it. Blinded by then sun all of a sudden I see dark hands in front of my hands. Even worse hands sweety, like ew.  

Making some shadow over my eyes with my hand. I see eventually my vision comes to normal and it's Alex with a huge smile. That smile can be seen a mile an away. Common I see you at my house and we hangout in the same people.

But dam he looks so hot. He is glowing in sweat and he is shirtless he has his shirt wrapped around his neck. The tattoos are full display.I try not to smile or bite my lip. He would think that I like or something.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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