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Later on that afternoon I went to

Alan's house; I hit him up earlier if he

wanted to go to James' house to go

play pool and poker. He said yes I told

him that I will be there later in the

afternoon. After working a six hour

shift at the my dad's car dealership I

head to Alan's house and pulled up to

the house I see Nina outside in the

front with a basket of flowers of sweet

how can she knew I was coming over.

She looks like an angel I've been

noticing her more and more I don't

know but she does something to me.

Getting out the car we both go inside I

bumped into her and she go all mad

cause she got water in her clothes. It

will dry up no need to sweat. I asked

her if she was going to the Hollywood

Bowl for The Weeknd concert in a few

weeks and she is going so hopefully we

will click or something. Alan finally

came down a we head to James' house

with the other guys.

"How did the night go after you left

the party with that one chick?" Alan's

says looking at Alex.

"Nah dude she's a total freak like you

have no idea" I tell him. We stopped at

a small store by James' house. We got

some coronas and three different types

of chips. We finally get to James' house

and he has about five of the other guys

that we hang out with since high


"What up!" I give them a knuckle

pound to all the guys. I set the beers on

the bar top. James hands me a cue

stick and we start a new game. Let's

see how this game goes cause I'm

alright at playing pool but not like

James he's a beast at it. The game is

getting really good. The old school

music in the background from 2pac to

Zapp and Roger.

"Hey Alan that party was killer at

your pad" says Teddy to Alan

"It was aright but knowing how Alex's

party is going to be is got to be crazy,"

Alan says back at Teddy. While

drinking my Corona I over hear Jason

talking on the phone with Nina about

having a date on Friday night. I quickly

grab my phone and text Linsey.I meet

her at Alan's house she's one of Nina's

friends. I ask her if she want to go out

on a date. Quickly after I send out the

text she texted back within seconds.

She said of course cause common

who wouldn't to me, well Ninna is the

only girl who will say no.

"Hey Jason do you wanna double

date this Thursday I kinda over heard

you talking on the phone." I say taking

another sip of my beer.

"Yeah sure that be cool," he says back

handing me another beer.

We went on playing pool and poker for

about two hours and I had to jam I had

to take my sister Jackie to the airport

she's going to visit some family in


I stayed till one am till Alan and I left

back home. Looking out the window till

Alan got inside the house I look up to

see if Nina's room is lit and it's dark.

She might already fell asleep.

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