chapter 001; adaption

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     "Ducky, wake up

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"Ducky, wake up." Glenn whispered to a sleeping Elle. His large hands began shaking her tiny body gently. "Elle, come on. I need to leave soon." He rolled his eyes at the sight of her still not moving. He always hated waking the poor girl up. She would always be so hard to wake up, and when she finally did open up her brown eyes, she would always be so mean to whoever or whatever woke her up.

     He began shaking Elle with more force, causing the girl to jolt awake. Her senses slowly started coming back as she gripped his wrist as hard as she could. "Leave me alone, Glennjamin." She snapped, using the nickname she gave him when she was six, knowing he absolutely despised it.

     "That's it." He threw her blue, fluffy blanket off her body and picked her up by the torso, throwing her small frame over his shoulder. Shrieks left the girl's mouth as she started to punch the older boy's back, careful not to accidentally punch his kidneys.

     "Let me down, Glenn Thomas."

     "Did you hear that? Hmm, sounds like an annoying brat."

     "I'll bite you!" She shrieked again, bursts of giggles coming out of her mouth, her fists still pounding on his back.

     "What?" Glenn was quick with the single word, letting Elle drop from his shoulders, back to the ground.

     "Kinda ironic, isn't it?"

     His face fell as he looked down, feeling a sense of sadness wash over him. He didn't like the face that she was adapting to this new world so quickly, that she could make joke about it. He still had hope that everything would be alright, that the government would come up with a plan, that people would get a vaccination, and the dead would stay dead for good.

     Elle took note of his sullen facial expression, making her giggles come to an end.

     "What's wrong?" She asked, feeling responsible for his lowered mood.

     "Nothing, Elle. Just get dressed, okay? I'll be outside with Dale." And with that, he walked out of the tent, placing his red baseball cap on his head.

     She let out a sigh, raking her slim fingers through her tangled, grimy hair. She plopped back down on her small cot and grabbed her duffel bag filled with her clean clothes, grabbing a t-shirt, a pair of shorts, socks, and underwear.

     She quickly pulled her sweat stained shirt off her body, careful not to irritate the scratches she had gotten from falling on the sharp rocks by the lake. Her fingers trailed down her abdomen, tracing her old scars from before. She closed her eyes, a deep sigh coming from her body, before she pulled the shirt upon her hollow torso.

     Her mind was consumed by the memories of before. She knew she needed to stop thinking about what had happened, but her mind would constantly remind her of everything. She quickly threw her shorts off her legs, flinging them to the other side of the tent. She hastily took off her underwear, throwing them by her discarded shorts, before quickly putting on the new pair.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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