i. - abby's boyfriend

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                                          Daphne dusted the leftover snow off her body, leaving small piles behind her as she walked through the aquarium. She didn't come here as often as Owen did, the only reason they were even meeting up at the aquarium specifically was because of how snowy it had been that day. Of course, it snowed before today but this was one of the worst snowstorms Daphne has ever experienced. She's lucky she even made it here. 

She looked around at all the lights strung up on the old ocean-themed decorations and the few half-started paintings on some of the walls. There was a faint blue hue that came from the large glass panes along the walls, blocking off the water from pouring into the building. She made her way up to the staircase still looking around the place as she jogged up the stairs.

Adjusting the basket in her arms she grabbed the nob of the door and pushed it open, stepping into the room. It smelt faintly of chocolate and there were even more lights strung up around this room. It was breathtaking.

"Ah, you're finally here." Owen said noticing the girl walking in. Daphne nodded silently letting the door shut behind her as she fully stepped into the room. Her mouth was still agape. "Yeah. Sorry, I'm so late. Rora held quite the interrogation." Daphne said taking her beanie and shaking off whatever snow remained on it. "This place is beautiful!"

"Why thank you, and don't worry about being late it's alright. I just got everything finished here so it works out." Owen said waving her off. "Why don't you come up here. Sit down so we can really get started." Daphne gave him a quick nod before she jogged up the few stairs in front of her.

The basket that was now resting against her hip was moved to rest on the couch she sat on. Her hands dug through the basket, taking out a few items and setting them onto the small square table in front of her. She could hear Owen moving around and feel the couch dip down beside her as he sat down.

"Hey." He said gently, nudging her side a bit. Daphne looked to her side and quickly spotted the two mugs in his hands. In the mugs were a brown liquid along with a few floating marshmallows, steam coming off of it and heating the space around it. Her eyes widened and her mouth curved into a smile. "Oh my god! Where'd you get hot chocolate!" She cheered. "That's a secret." Owen said to her before nudging the mug closer to her. "Take it."

Daphne complied and wrapped her mitten-covered hands around the cup. The hot drink instantly warmed up her hand which only made her smile more. She brought it up to her lips, taking a small and careful sip. The liquid hit the tip of her tongue, making her jump back at the slight burn. "Hot." She whispered as she pulled the cup away from her mouth.

Owen chuckled a bit at her reaction, taking a sip of his own drink. "So, what was Rora questioning you about?" He asked. "You know, usual mother-like questions. Where I was going, when I'd be back, stuff like that." Daphne shrugged, tugging on her scarf to loosen it. She leaned back into the couch, letting herself get comfortable. "What do you wanna do first?"

As Owen placed his last card down onto the table Daphne groaned and tossed her head back against the couch. She tossed the remaining cards in her hands forwards causing them to spray out on the table. "You suck!" She huffed, falling back against the couch. "It's not my fault you don't know how to play this game." Owen said smiling proudly with his hands held up in defeat. He began to collect the cards off of the table, putting them back into their box.

𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟, 𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗺𝘀.Where stories live. Discover now