Money Buys Friends Not Friendship

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Hello, and welcome to my story of depression, money, desperation, and a little bit of humour. Currently I am sprawled out in my bedroom, surrounded by broken pictures, and torn paper, alongside a broken phone in the corner of my room. If you would like to know how I got here, you may like to hear me out on my story.

Before reading, I would like you to know that I didn't mean anything I said, anything I did, and I wish I could take it all back.

My name is Louise. Louise Harbinger, and there is only one thing you need to know about me. I have no friends. Well sure, I have friends, such as my hamster named Carly, but other than that? No friends. See? Depressing story already. But don't stop reading. The story ahead is a long one. Now see, I could tolerate having no friends, since I had no friends since I was 8, and she moved to Europe on my 9th birthday. I am now 18, and I guess I just don't have that ability to make friends. And everyone at school knows it.

Walking through school was the worst part. Hearing whispers, such as "See that girl? With the brown hair?"

"The freckles?"

"Yeah that one, you know she has no friends?"

"What? Haha, well I wouldn't be surprised, I mean look at her clothes!"

"I know right? and she could do with some makeup too!"

I could have turned around right there and then. I could have walked back at them, could have made an impolite comeback. But I didn't, and that's how it's always been.

Sitting down in English, I opened my book just as Mr Goldsworth announced "Everyone, before we start the lesson, we have a new girl in the class" My head snapped up. I began to hope. Maybe she would be my friend, and my problems would be over!

That's when the girl walked in. She was short, had brown hair, and freckles. My hopes shot even higher. This girl was like me! We could be friends, maybe invite each other to our houses, become best friends!

I was so lost in thought I completely missed Mr Goldsworth say "Can anyone take Tara and show her around the school for a few weeks? Oh, thanks Rebecca." What?! I whipped my hair around and saw the most popular girl in school Rebecca, or as her friends call her, 'Bex', her perfectly manicured hand raised with a big smile stretched over her deep red lips and perfect teeth, leading down to her straight blonde hair which reached down to her shoulders.

In a few moments Tara had walked over to Rebecca, sat down beside her and they immediately began chatting. I curled up my fists and stared at them. What was so special about her? I checked her out carefully. Brown curly hair (like mine), freckles (like me), and braces (like me).

I couldn't stop thinking about it. I mean sure, she didn't have glasses like I did, and was a bit more pretty. Her fashion sense was more similar to Rebecca than me, but other that that, what was the difference, really? And so I became frustrated. Angry and hurt. Finally having enough, I stalked up to the popular group at lunch. "Hey Guys" I announced confidently. Then shrank back as the whole group of 5 girls looked at me, including Tara. "Uhhh" I stuttered.

Then realising how stupid I looked, I turned around and started walking away, only to bang into a guy walking to his table with his tray. Water, spaghetti, and various other things splattered onto me and him, both of us crashing down on the hard floor in the process.

The guy quickly jumped up angrily. "Watch where you're going, Chienne", he growled, and stalked away. Behind me, I could hear giggles of the girls. Trying to ignore them, I wiped spaghetti out of my hair and hobbled away, trying not to slip. The whole place was staring now. "Forget this" I thought angrily, "I'm going home".

"You're home early" my mother commented. "How was school?"

Pulling a bowl of cereal towards me, I told her the same thing I told her for the past 8 years. "Great". My mother raised her eyebrows. "You don't sound great. You tired?" I could only nod. Just then my little brother Tim ran in. He was 12, and got nearly everything he wanted. "Muuuuuum, can I sleep over at Dannys tonight pleaaaaaaaase" he whined.

Mum frowned. "Well..."

"Pleaaaase" Tim begged. "Well alright" Mum smiled. Then she turned to me. "Louise you should get some of your friends over when he's gone, have a party, or something."

I smiled weakly. "Sure mum". Even my 12 year old brother had more friends than me. I sank deeper into my bowl of cornflakes.

 Well as you can guess, the next day at school was even worse. More whispers followed me than ever before, this time not about my lack of friends. I tried to ignore them, but by last period I was practially ripping my hair out. Just having got my books out of my locker, I spotted Rebecca with the girls, having a nice little chat by their lockers. This time I stalked up to them having a determined mind not to back out. "Guys" I started off confidentally. The girls glanced at me and giggled. I carried on. "I don't like the way you treat me. I think we should stop this. Um, so friends?" 

The girls stared at me for a second, then burst into laughter. At the back of the group, I noticed Tara with her bushy hair tied up in a ponytail, giggling nervously.  That should be me! I thought angrily. "Whatever" Rebecca laughed, "come on girls". She started turning away. I flushed a deep scarlet and said in a panic "wait!". I ran to the front of the group and looked at their revolted faces staring at me. "I'll - I'll pay you."

Rebecca raised an eyebrow. "To be friends? You gotta be kidding me."  

Fumbling into my pocket, I took out my wallet. "Uh, two dollars" I stuttered. Rebecca starts laughing again. "Two bucks? No way Harbinger, that's not even worth it." She starts to turn away again. Desperate now, I pulled out 20 dollars. Rebecca caught sight of it. "Hmm..." She grinned. "Lets make it 20 dollars a week." She smiled, her perfect teeth glistened. "Right, yeah, sure, yeah" I quickly said. She picked up the note with the tips of her fingers as if she was handling some disease, and tucked it away into her shorts. "And!" I burst out. "Don't...don't tell anyone." Rebecca scoffs. "Course not" she said. Whipping her blonde hair back, she walks down the hallway, and the whole group of girls stalked out the door in perfect unison. 

More coming soon...please comment, I want to know what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2011 ⏰

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