Random Tubbo + Tommy Angst [Platonic Clingy Duo] | MCYT

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Warnings: Profanity, Angst, Verbal Fighting


Just some random clingy duo angst ;D Not really much to say about this, it's a random drabble. No (Y/n) or Reader insert in this. It's a bit new to me. No specific setting or time, just his house and after Ranboo and Tubbo got married + adopted Michael. Not my best work, after all, it is just a quick drabble I wrote just now and is unedited. This is also my first time writing for C!Tommy and C! Tubbo.

[Third Person Point of View | DSMP AU]

"What do you want, Tubbo?" Tommy's voice was laced with poison, his demeanor clearly hostile.
Tubbo was unsure what to make of Tommy's tone. He didn't see any reason for him to be mad, so he brushed it off. "Hi, Tommy, I was just wondering if you had any extra mossy cobble?"
Tommy still seemed highly off, but answered. "Yeah, how much do you want?"
"Maybe a stack. Me and Ranboo are working on this-"
"Oh my fucking god." Tommy cut Tubbo off, groaning. "It's just always 'Ranboo' this, and 'Ranboo' that."
Tubbo gulped. "Well, I mean, yeah. We're married."
"I get that, Tubbo, but do you ever think about me? About Will? We used to do everything together, and now you've just left us behind. Does our friendship mean nothing to you anymore? Did it ever mean anything? It's always been us three, but all it took for you to throw us away was some Ender dude to show up. You got fucking married to them, and now you have a son!"
"Tommy, I never meant to neglect you guys, I've just been busy. You said it yourself! I'm married and have a son, I can't be with you 24/7."
"You say that, and it would normally make sense, but you really have neglected us! Yes, you have to make time for them, but you haven't spent any time at all with us since you've met Ranboo."
Tubbo frowned, thinking about it. He really hadn't made any effort to talk to Tommy or Wilbur since Michael had been adopted. "Listen, Tommy, I'm sorry. I-"
"You do realize this means nothing now, right?" Tommy laughed hollowly. "You can't apologize and say everything's alright and then it'll be fine. It doesn't work like that."
"I know it's hard to make up for lost time, but I promise, I'll try to talk to you two more often and make time."
"More lies. Those words mean shit to me."
"Hey, I tried to be nice about it, okay? At least I apologized for my behavior."
"I have nothing to apologize for, Tubbo."
"Yes," Tubbo hissed through clenched teeth. "You do."
Tommy scoffed. "Like what?"
"You always claimed that I needed you, that I was 'too clingy' and 'followed you around' and other bullshit. I stop talking to you for a little while and you get all mad! Look who's the clingy one now! You're blaming me for your lack of other friends, when that's your fault, you just always insult people whether you mean to or not. You're just alone, so you lash out on everyone else."
Tommy was silent, his harsh gaze now aimed at the floor.
"See, you can't even deny it, because it's true."
"Shut up." Tommy mumbled, his voice breaking a little.
Tubbo hummed, questioning what he had said.
"I said, shut up!"
He looked up from the floor and slightly down at Tubbo. Tears were now freely flowing down his cheeks. He sobbed quietly, wiping his tears on his T-shirt's red sleeves.
"Get away from me. You're not welcome here anymore."
Tubbo was taken aback. "What?"
"You heard me. Get out of here. I never want to see you again."
"Tommy, think about what you're saying right now. We can make amends, it'll just take a while. We don't need to cut off all contact."
"I know what I'm saying, Tubbo. Shut up, and get out of here."
"Tommy, I-"
"Get the fuck out of here!" Tommy screamed, his voice slightly hoarse. "How fucking dense are you? Go away!"
When Tubbo didn't move from the doorstep, Tommy slammed the door shut and locked it, sobbing louder now. Tubbo was still outside, staring at the closed door, when a warm teardrop slipped down his face as well. He reached a hand up to his cheek to wipe the water away, sniffling quietly.
Tubbo knocked his knuckles on the wood of the door, hoping to get a response. Unfortunately, he got nothing. Knowing Tommy wouldn't talk to him at the moment, he got some flowers out from his inventory and placed them down on the doorstep.
"I'm sorry, Tommy. I'll go now." He quietly said through the door before reluctantly walking away, head hung low.


Tubbo quietly shut the door to his and Ranboo's home. He heard Ranboo mumbling to himself, the Ender language coming from the kitchen. Tubbo took his jacket off and placed it on the coat rack before walking into the kitchen, where he found his partner attempting to read a recipe book and cook something.
"Tubbo, you're back!" Ranboo smiled, and put the cookbook down, placing a quick peck to their husband's head.
Tubbo silently wrapped his arms around the taller hybrid, nuzzling his cheek into Ranboo's chest. "Hey, Ran. Where's Michael?"
"Asleep," Ranboo sighed. "It took a while, and I had to read two stories to him, but he eventually began to snooze. Anyways, were you able to get the mossy cobblestone from anyone?"
Tubbo tensed up, feeling the lump in his throat and warm tears return. "Well, Tommy was the only other one active on the server right now... And we... We got into a fight. He said he didn't want to see me ever again, Ranboo."
Ranboo frowned. "I'm sure he doesn't mean that, he was just worked up at the moment and wasn't thinking clearly."
"I know, but it still hurts." Tubbo whispered, more tears falling down his face. "It fucking hurts."
The two of them stayed there for a bit, Tubbo quietly sobbing into Ranboo's shirt, the latter gently running their fingers through the other's hair.
"It's going to be okay, Tubbo. It's going to be okay."

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