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Michael poured himself a drink as Destiny sat fidgeting on the couch.

"Come on, fellas. You're gonna miss the show," he muttered.

They heard distant sirens and cars honking in the distance. Sighing, he sat in a chair, fidgeting slightly as he closed his eyes.


Destiny bit her lip, looking from Michael to the door, heart hammering in her chest. She really wished she could do something other than sit around waiting to be ordered around by Michael, but sadly, that wasn't the case.

"There he is," Michael smiled.

Getting up, he left Destiny in the office as he made his way down the elevators, calling out in a singsong.

"Castiel. You do realize I feel you in here. There's really no need to be..." Castiel jumped out, attacking Michael, "coy."

"Michael," Castiel spat.

They continued to fight as Michael taunted the other angel.

"Tell me something, Cass," he pinned him to the wall, "why'd you come alone? Advance scout? Strongest player first?"

He threw Cass against the other wall.

"Not that strong. But, hey, if they want miss all the festivities, well, then that's their loss."

He punched Castiel across the face with the hand that wore a large cocktail ring, knocking the angel out.

"But I got a schedule to keep," he muttered, before dragging Cass into the office.

Destiny swallowed, staring at the bloodied angel as Michael walked over to stare out the window into the night. Just then, Sam and Jack entered the room, approaching Michael from behind. Using his powers, the archangel crushed them, sending them to their knees. Destiny's heart pounded as Dean came into the room next, the spear clutched in his grasp.

As he and Michael fought, Destiny barely registering what was being said between the two, she realized that this was the first time she'd actually properly seen Dean as himself, not a demon or an angel. Just plain old Dean Winchester. Michael had grabbed him by the throat and lifted him a few inches off the ground.

"I'm so glad you could make it tonight. I know you hate me, Dean, but don't forget-- you let me in."

Dean was dropped unceremoniously to the floor.

"And now you get to see it-- everything your mistake will make possible-- all the bloodshed, all the death-- all on you."


Sam inched the spear, which had slid across the floor, back toward his brother. Dean took it, swinging at Michael again, this time hitting him in the arm and causing him to release the crushing hold he had on Sam and Jack.

"Trust me, that's going to leave a scar," Dean spat.

Sam, Jack and Castiel all stood up as Dean pointed the spear at Michael's throat. Destiny stared, wide-eyed, knowing what was about to happen but unable to say or do anything to stop it.

"Kill him!" Jack yelled angrily.

Dean's vision blurred as he began seeing flashes of being possessed by Michael.

"Dean?" Sam called out hesitantly.

As Dean continued to see the flashes, the woman Michael had been possessing fell to the floor.

"Dean?" Cass called out as well.

Dean stood frozen, facing the window, then lifted the spear slowly and took it between his hands before snapping it in half with a crackle of energy. He threw the broken pieces to the sides as he turned to face the other members of the room, eyes glowing blue with grace.

"No," Sam breathed.

Destiny squirmed in her seat as Michael smirked.

"Yeah. When I gave up Dean, you didn't think to question it, to ask why? Dean was," he rolled his shoulders, "resisting me. He was too attached to you, to all of you. He wouldn't stop squirming-- to get out, to get back. So I left, but not without leaving the door open just a crack."

"Why wait?" Castiel demanded.

"To break him," Michael made a fist, "to crush and disappoint him so completely that, this time, he'll be nice and quiet for a change-- buried. And he is. He's gone."

He walked over, finishing off the cup of whiskey he had poured before the others had arrived.

"And now I have a whole army out there, waiting, ready for my command, ready for this."

Michael raised a hand, and snapped his fingers.

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