East of Eden

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"You want Ásgarð's Throne? No problem."

Loki contemplated the deal that the demonic little automaton was offering them. While he would have been immediately tempted by such trinkets in the past, that's not who he was now. None of those things mattered to him anymore.

But then he looked over at the one thing that did matter to him, Sylvie. Sweet, beautiful, fiery Sylvie, who'd had her life stolen by the TVA before it could truly begin. She deserved far more than revenge and endless death across a thousand worlds.

He knew then what decision to make.

"Alright Miss Minutes, I'll take your deal for Ásgarðs throne."

"Well great! Let me just...."

"But not my Ásgarð."

Miss Minutes gave him a look of confusion.

"I'm not sure I understand."

"It's quite simple, really. You robbed Sylvie of her life and home, so you're going to give them back. Revive her Ásgarð and send us there."

"Loki, what are you doing?!" Sylvie hissed as she grabbed his arm, "have you gone completely insane?"

"Possibly, but think about it. This is our chance to get back everything the TVA stole from you....to have something besides hatred and despair."

"But even if this 'He who remains' can grant such a thing, that would still leave you without a home on the timeline."

Loki gave a weak chuckle before reaching up and cupping her face in his hands.

"Haven't you figured it out by now, Sylvie? You are my home."

Then he pressed his lips to hers and everything faded away in that moment except for the two of them. Sylvie's sword clattered to the floor as she threw her arms around him in a desperate attempt to meld their bodies together.

A loud clapping noise interrupted them before they could deepen things further. The Góðs slowly broke apart and turned to see a man in dark purple robes approaching them.

"Man oh man, I have been waiting a long time for this."

"I take it you're the one referred to as He Who Remains."

"It's one of the things I've been called over the centuries, most people just refer to me as Kang."

"Well then, Kang," Sylvie snarled as she recalled her sword to one hand while threading the fingers of the other between Loki's, "What's the catch on this deal of yours?"

"Oh there's no catch. In fact, I was hoping this would happen. The TVA has been making mistakes for far too long."

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