゚°☆𝟎𝟎𝟐☆° ゚

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Y/n's eyes closed once he started falling, his arms extended out like the wings of a wird. He wore a calm expression as he slowly made his way closer to the bottom. The breeze made his luscious locks dance in the wind. (A fucking angel, I tell you)

"Woah there Angel!" A pair of strong arms took hold of Y/n's slim body, stopping him from falling.

"Wha?-" Y/n looked around and saw that the male carrying him was flying.

"Why'd you ruin my fall?" Y/n asks, kind of pissed.

"I- what do you mean by 'why i ruined your fall'?!-" He wore a confused look on his face as he carried the white haired male bridal style.

"You could have died!" He spoke rather loudly with a worried expression.

"I would have been fine." Y/n bit the inside of his cheek. "Drop me." He added, looking down.

"WHAT?!- NO-" The red winged blondie looked at Y/n as if he was mental. (It's probably true)

"My apartment is right there." Y/n pointed. "So just drop me-"

"What kind of sick person are you-" The blonde guy flew down.

"Are you alright?- you're actually kind of worrying me." The blond looks down at Y/n.

"Yes I'm alright- it was intentional, i do it all the time." Y/n stated, trying to reassure him a much as possible.

"The how are you not dead?-"

"Ever heard of a quirk?" Y/n crossed his arms and looked away from him.

"You owe me dinner." He huffed as the blonde slowly set him down on his balcony.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack though!-"

"Nope- you owe me dinner for ruining my excuse for not working tomorrow." Y/n slides open the balcony door and walks inside.

"Tomorrow. Here. 6:00. Goodbye-" Y/n closes the door.and waltzes into his room.

"My angel!~ I missed you!~" The white haired male immediately pickrd up his cat and laid in bed with him.

"You'll never guess who I met today while jumping off a building!" Y/n started ranting on and on about how he met a guy with red wings.

"Come to think of it- I didn't ask him his name-" Y/n furrows his eyebrows.

"I'll ask him tomorrow-" Y/n pet the furry feline as he slowly drifted to sleep.

* * *


"Hungry?~" Y/n rubbed his eyes, yawning as he takes his cat towards the kitchen.

"What the-" "Angel- how long did i sleep?-" Y/n looked over at the clock, it was currently 5:27 in the morning.

"I have work today too, don't I?" He groans and pours the cat food into his cat's bowl before heading back to his room, in search for a more presentable outfit.

"I don't have a hero costume yet." Y/n mumbles, talking out a set of clothes to wear.

  (Your outfit ^-^)

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(Your outfit ^-^)

"It's nothing special." He fixes the cuffs of his shirt and makes his way to his vanity.

Y/n takes his hair out of the messy bun, taking hold of a comb. He slowly untangled his hair before braiding it.

After he had finished preparing himself, Y/n went back to the kitchen.

He looked at the time and sighed,

"Guess I'll have to get something on the way." He frowned, placing his keys in his bag.

"I'll be back My Angel!~" Y/n cooed, walking out of his apartment and locking the door behind him.

* * *

"And can I have a small coffee with that? Thank you." Y/n swiped his debit card before he was handed his breakfast.

He walked out, food in hand as he continued walking towards U.A. Y/n noticed a few students also making there way towards the big building.

Y/n walked into the building, earning the stares of many students and teachers.

"This better be worth it." Y/n walks into the main office and to the secretary desk.

"Goodmorning-" Y/n awkwardly greets the lady at the desk.

"How can I help you?"

"Ah- um I'm a new teacher?-" Y/n nervously sucks on the inside of his cheek.

Being the anti-social guy he is, avoids eye contact at all costs.

"OH! Right! You're Mr. Yashida, am I correct?" She smiles, getting a stack of papers from her desk.

"Yes that's me." The lady hums, handing the stack of papers to him.

"Great! Mr. Principal would like to meet you in his office, follow me." She stands up, leading the way for Y/n ro follow.

"Right in here." The lady smiles brightly, opening the door to the saight of an overly happy AllMight.

"Forgive me for not setting an interview beforehand Mr. Yashida." Mr. Principal smiles.

"No, that's alright." Y/n forces a smile.

"Sir AllMight will be taking you around the campus, if you have any complaints or concerns, please come find me."

Y/n nods, not really knowing what to say as he glances at the smiling hero.

"If that's all, you may leave."

"Thank you sir." Y/n bows, following after AllMight.

"Come now kid, lets go!" AllMight cheers, proudly leading Y/n through the halls.


That's it for this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it-

If you have any recommendations onto who i should include into this fanfic- please feel free to comment :)

Thank you <3


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