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Life has been going so great for Jimin lately.

He’s been on top of his classes, getting straight A’s almost every term, and working towards his master’s degree. His mental health has been amazing recently, hasn’t had any depressive episodes or panic attacks in almost two months. Jimin’s been working hard at his part-time job at the bookstore slash cafe and he’s pretty sure his boss is going to give him a raise soon. His relationship with his friends has never been better, hanging out with them at least twice a week and making an effort to check up on them every day. These things might sound silly and like the bare necessities, but they’ve been hard for Jimin during dark periods of his life. He’s thankful he has such understanding friends.

Best of all, he has a wonderful boyfriend that takes him out on cute dates and sends him good morning and good night messages — Jungkook.

Jungkook isn’t like anyone Jimin has ever met. He’s funny and sweet, kind and empathetic. He’s thoughtful and so, so passionate. He loves photography and music, and even shares the love of dancing with Jimin. He has the prettiest eyes that are kind of wide and the smoothest skin he’s ever seen. Jungkook has the most beautiful tattoos he’s ever seen, a whole sleeve on his right arm. His hair is so fluffy and soft, especially when he has it all natural and curly. He has the cutest fucking laugh in the whole world, with a nose scrunch that makes Jimin melt into a puddle whenever he sees it. He has the voice of an angel, and loves to sing. More than once, Jimin has asked him to sing him to sleep. One of his biggest dreams is to travel to America, so he’s very adamant about learning English, always practicing when they’re together.

To sum it all up, Jungkook is amazing, perfect even. Jimin couldn’t be happier than he is right now.

There’s just one tiny issue.

Jungkook doesn’t know that he’s transgender.

Jimin doesn’t really know why he hasn’t told him yet, maybe because there hasn’t been a reason to tell him — they haven’t done anything sexual yet and they’ve only been dating for about three months. Jimin’s ninety nine percent sure that Jungkook wouldn’t care if he was transgender, he’s not the kind of person to not be okay with stuff like that, but deep down Jimin is scared that he somehow won’t be okay with it and he’ll lose Jungkook forever. He really doesn’t want that.

He hasn’t dated many people before Jungkook, with him only being twenty two, but he has had a lot of one night stands. Most guys didn’t care what Jimin had between his legs, as long as they had something to stick their dick into. Others weren’t as understanding — getting off of him immediately and telling Jimin he was going to hell, that he would never be a “real man”, whatever the fuck that means. Some even found him even more attractive, Jimin almost prefers the bigots to those guys.

Jimin doesn’t really care about what those guys in particular had to say about his identity, it’s more of a reflection of their character rather than Jimin’s.

He knew that he was different from all of the other kids his age, specifically the girls, when he was around eight years old. One day, he was watching TV when he saw a woman transform into a man. Jimin immediately ran to his mom, pulling at the hem of her skirt and saying mommy, I wanna be a boy! His mother just looked down at him and smiled, telling him that he could be whatever he wanted to be, that she would love him no matter what. The rest is history. The first thing Jimin did when he turned eighteen was get top surgery. He cried happy tears every time he looked in the mirror for a whole day when his chest was finally healed.

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