NOT AN UPDATE-just a question

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I'm sorry for disappearing again :/ 

At first it was just writter's block/lack of motivation, but now I've just been so crazy.

And If your not interested, skip the next pararagh and go to my question.

Just to put it in perspective....and please don't be mad at me guys, but this week alone I have swim practice every night from 5-830, I have research for my term paper in my collage paced english class due friday, I have about 4 or 5 things a night for my college paced history class (We're wicked behind because of all the snow days I had and the test is in less than two months!!! I need to do good or an entire year of work will go to waste, but we're on unit 6 of 14.....uggh) and then I'm in honors math, science and spanish and those classes aren't easy either. So between swim team and school I have no time. Then this weekend, my birthday is saturday and I'm going out with my family and I have a wedding shower sunday along with some stupid in service meeting for my job. WHY! So yes, a little crazy, considering I'm human and must find time to sleep/eat.

So then there's my question.

My next few updates will obviously be Niall mono, but would you guys rather that i try my best to do one pretty short (Around 1000 words) a night, or do a longer update when I get the chance? Which probably won't be until Saturday morning....Let me know just by commenting, Thanks for all the support xoxo

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