.Chapter Nine.

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Thank you guys for being bothered to read this, I just checked how many reads I have and it overjoyed me! It might not be a lot but to me it is, thank you! <3  I also wanted too flex the fact I can speak a decent amount of Spanish VHJBKJNR 

Y/N put together the plan silently, focussing on how a certain reaction would lead and how that would lead on. Planning out every response they could think of until the plan was completely laid out. The plan was more complex than it seemed, yet easy for Y/N to understand as they came up with it. They would drop into the casino to tell Quackity that they were going to visit the other cities. They would then find someone, preferably Dream, and mention the plan to them. Once completed, the two or maybe even multiple people would discuss it further till the found how to dominate Las Nevadas. Y/N figured the plan was perfect, ignoring any holes or negatives in it. Y/N decided to, at last, put the plan in action. They walked over to the casino, yet there was no sign of Quackity to be seen.
"Where is he?" Y/N mumbled silently too themself, glancing around inside, hoping to be ensured that he was in there. Once Y/N had finally come to the conclusion that Quackity was out, they sighed deeply before spotting someone in the glass's reflection behind them. Y/N whipped around swiftly, only to be greeted by the face of Quackity himself. Quackity didn't seem so pleased, in fact, he seemed rather angry with Y/N, giving soome sort of death-glare at them.
"what's up with you?" Y/N questioned, almost disgustedly. 
"Te lo contaré ahora en un segundo hijo de mierda," Quackity cursed, aggressively gesturing them to follow him into the oak biome. Y/N followed cautiously, glancing around for any indication of  the others. None. Quackity moved quickly, Y/N stumbling behind at the pace. Quackity suddenly stopped and glanced over at Y/N. In that singular glance, Y/N was reminded of the things they had done. 
"You let Dream escape," Quackity mumbled, continuing. "You planned to take over Las Nevadas."
In that rather simply sentence, Y/N froze, feeling their body turn still and heated. Quackity clutched his fists tightly in attempt to move some of his anger. Quackity turned, glancing directly into Y/N's gaze.
"You're a filthy traitor," Quackity said blandly, "And I want you banished from my nation and there's one way I know how to do it."
Y/N thought quickly, they couldn't die now. They thought deeply but with a quick velocity before coming up with an idea on the spot. Quackity was about to speak again before Y/N interrupted him with an offer
"I have a deal I'm willing to make!" Y/N cut in, "a deal that you prefer."
Quackity listened in, refraining from disagreeing or killing them now. Quackity carefully sat on a log behind, giving an approving nod of the head to continue with the sentence.
"You like gambling and making deals, so here's what I'm thinking.. If I win a game of Cards against you, I get to go unharmed. If you win, I'll.. I'll let you kill me," Y/N said, looking directly into Quackity's brown eyes, occasionally looking away. Quackity stood up and sighed.
The two of them rushed back to the casino, catching the eye of Purpled who didn't think much of it and continued to do whatever. The two sat down on different sides of the table, taking their cards. Quackity was ready, and so was Y/N. After agonising minutes passing as y/n carefully thought about their choices. The. two continued like this for quite a while, each second becoming more life-threatening than the last. Y/N began sweating a the idea of loosing and dedicated their heart to winning this game. Y/N cautiously continued before being interrupted by Quackity himself.

"I win."

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