Broken Walls.... Broken Heart Prt 19

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RECAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Simon hadn't pressured me into talking about certain things, he had just been there. 

I really liked him a lot maybe if Clayton carried on with his classes I may just be able to leave him for good, who knows I may get a fresh start! But would Simon be in that fresh start though?...

**** Chapter 19 ****

Amie's POV:

I let the hot water run over my body, it felt good to have a descent shower the ones in the hospital wasn't very good it sprayed everywhere in the room but on me.

This evening with Simon had been relaxing we watched TV, ate tons of pizza, we even had a few heated kisses too.  It's been a long time since I felt so comfortable, I feel so happy that I'm at that stage in my life where everything seems to be clicking together.

Clay has really been trying; I can't wait to have the old Clay back! I slapped my hand over my mouth; did I really just think that? I mean I didn't want him back like that I didn't think I did.

Pushing my thoughts aside I wrapped myself in the towel Simon had given me and started to get into my pj's.

As I came out of the bathroom I stopped and smiled at what I saw in front of me. Simon was sitting with his back against his head board, remote in hand, his mouth slightly open where you could hear small snores escaping.

I smiled to myself as I turned the television off and sitting on the bed beside him. Turning off the light beside his bed I found myself joining Simon in the bliss I called sleep!

Simon's POV:

Gosh I'm hot! I thought to myself trying to open my eyes but failing terribly. I felt something tighten their grip on me my eyes flying open to see Amie sleeping on me.

One leg in between mine while the other was wrapped around my waist her arm wrapped around my neck. I smiled at the position we were in, but felt my body stiffen as she tightened her grip on me bringing us impossibly closer together as she cried in her sleep.

I felt bad for not being able to save her from her nightmares as she continued to cry. I started rubbing circles on her back which seemed to be calming her down a lot. I listened to her slow breathing as she slept peacefully before I realised it I felt myself drift into darkness.

Amie's POV:

When I woke up I stretched my body expecting to feel Simon near, but when my arms were stretched to the fullest and still no sign of Simon I decided it would be best to at least open one eye and have a peak to see if he was in the room still. As I opened one eye taking the bright light shined threw from the window opposite the bed.

I let out a big sigh whilst wondering where Simon had disappeared to? I was really looking forward to waking up beside him and snuggling up close to him. O well! I guess I should go downstairs and check if he was there, surely he wouldn't leave me home alone! Or would he? 

Pushing my overactive thoughts aside I made my way downstairs the smell of bacon lingering in the air mmm bacon I hope his making me eggs with that I thought to myself. As I stepped into the kitchen there stood Simon his back turned to me as he sung Amy Winehouse's Rehab to the spatula, he spun around but stopped midway as he spotted me his face flushing a bright crimson. This made me laugh, 

"Wow Si I didn't realise you was a singer u should apply for X factor!" I laughed. "Hahaha! Very funny. Good morning my beautiful angel" he said as he walked over and kissed me on the top of my head "I've made you your favourite! Bacon and Eggs!" He said proudly.

For some reason I couldn't help shake off a feeling of de ja vu I don't know? I thought to myself, wait? How does he know bacon and eggs are my favourite? "How do you know they are my favourite?" I questioned starting to feel a little uncomfortable. 

"When we first started talking we asked each other silly questions like fav colour? Drink? Breakfast etc. don't you remember?" He replied as he dished the food onto a plate. "Oh yeah I remember that was ages ago I'm surprised you still remember all that" I said as I started to eat the food in front of me "mmm I could definitely get used to this" I said as I stuffed some bacon into my mouth. Simon laughed as I did this. DING DONG! 

Ow My Gosh I remember now! I remember why this felt like deja vu, that dream I had this happened but I was pregnant. In my dream the doorbell rang an-and Clayton he? He shot Simon! I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate my breathes coming out slow and sharp! Each breath I took hurt more then the last! 

"Don't answer the door!" I whisper yelled 

"Amie what's wrong do you need your inhalers? Do you want me to call an ambulance?" Simon said worry evident in his shaky voice. 

"Just! This! I!" I couldn't seem to get my words out as I tried to explain why I didn't want him to answer the door. DING DONG! The doorbell went again. Simon's brows furrowed in confusion "let me get that I'll be back OK babe?" He asked as he cupped my cheek in his large hand. I violently shook my head "Don't answer it" I pleaded but Simon was already on his way to the door! I stood in the hallway as I watched him answer the door I couldn't see who was in front of him but from what I saw in my dream I knew what was going to happen next! I heard a loud bang which made me scream out loud before I fell to the floor blackness clouding my vision!....

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