Story 1

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Sara wakes up in her room and goes about her morning routine, the best she can with what supplies Bishop has given her. Her breakfast is pushed through the wall panel, onto the worktop under it. She looks at it and sighs, wishing she was eating breakfast on the waverider with her team and especially Ava. This as been the same for the past few days or however time works here. After eating her breakfast, she put it back on under the wall panel to be collected.

After breakfast her door slides opens and two solider Ava clones enter, "follow us Bishop wants to see you" the left Ava clones says. "Of course he does" Sara says back sarcastically, and gesture for them to lead the way. As she followed them down the hallway, she was taking in as much details without look suspicious. However there was no point, in trying to escape at the moment as she had now way of this planet. She had know idea was Gary was, and ever if he taken out the clones, his rescue attempt would probably go horrible wrong. She was brought out of her train of thought, as another set of doors opened. She looked ahead and saw him, with that stupid grin on his face.

"Saarraa" , "have you thought about my offer?" Bishop asks. "My answer is the same, I'm not helping you take over the universe, even if you think it will save the human race." Sara replies. Bishop's grins falls and walks close to Sara who is still in the middle of two Ava clones. "That's a shame, guess I will have to make you see it MY WAY? Bishop replies and half sings. With the comment the Ava clones grabs an arm each to hold Sara while she replies "i'm never going to help you". He smiles and says "you will if you have nowhere and nobody to go back to, and then nobody will coming to save you either". With that Sara expression changes to shock and then anger, and she start to try escape from the grip of the clones at her side. Bishop stares into Sara eyes and says "return her to room, i've got some legends to find". With that the a few more clones appeared with guns on Sara, the two clones holding her dragged her out of the room back to her room, while she was trying to get out of the hold shouting "BISHOP LEAVE THEM ALONE".

Sara was pacing back and forth in her room, trying to come up with a plan on how to get out of her room, and some how getting to her team in time. Nurse Ava enter her room which put Sara on edge. Nurse Ava walked towards her casually "we here to help you" she says with a smile. "We?" Sara replied with a raised eyebrow. "Ava's" nurse Ava shouted while turning her head to the door she came in. Four Ava came in with gun at there side and accompanied by Gary wearing a huge grin on his face. "Sara I found you, I convinced the Ava that I didn't eat to help me. I told her she was - Gary started to explain what had happened but Sara cut him off. "We don't have time, we need to go after Bishop, please say there in another spaceship we can use". One of the combat Ava relied "yes there is another but it's doesn't have any weapons on aboard". "It will have to do, show me where". They raced to the hanger where the other ship was, as they arrived combat Ava went to the docking station to low the ramp of the ship. They were about to enter when Sara stopped the Ava's from entering the ship. "Thank you but I cannot allow you come with us and you risk you lives for me, but I have a plan, if we tie up you up so I looks like I over come you, that way when he returns he hopefully won't think any of you helped me. Gary can you get the ship ready while I make my room look like a fight took place, then I will tie them up and join you." Sara said.

As the plan was putting motion everyone did there part to hopefully trick Bishop so when he returned he wouldn't dispose of the Ava's that helped Sara. Finally on the ship and roaring into life with Sara piloting after a crash course from Gary they took off from the planet that have been stuck on for ever how long , and where heading towards the wormhole Gary created to the temporal zone. Once in the temporal zone Sara asked Gary to scan to see if he could find Bishop ship or the waverider. "Found them" Gary shouted excitedly after a few minutes intense silence. Sara swung the ship around in the direction that Gary gave her and they sped towards the signal. "Let's hope we are not too late, hang on guys, I'm coming home babe" Sara half said half whispered and the end.

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