Stand Down

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The battle field was gory, buildings had collapsed and the Avengers along with Vigilantes where scattered and broken across the pavment, they where lucky they had everyone evacuate the area but if there broken bones where not enough evidence they where loosing the battle pretty fast.

The alien was laughing in the middle of the chaos and Spider-Man has had enough of it, he can't bear to see how much destruction to New York they had done and how many civilians had just lost their homes.

He new he couldn't do anything, if his broken legs and ribs had anything to say about it, but, there was a little bit of hope, he reached into his pockets as the massive alien was giving some speach about how he had won and he would kill the heroes and put their heads on spikes.

He pulled out an explosive, he remembered, about a year ago Deadpool has given it to him as a joke and well, he decided to keep it with him just in case.

He put it in his sleeve, what was left of it, and tried to get up to his feet. It was agonising, He could feel his bones shift and break as tears welled up in his eyes, and finally he was up, wobbling, but he was up.

"Spider-Man stand down!" His comms sizzles to life, and he can't help but wonder how it had survived the beaten he had took.

"There is nothing you can do! Backup is on the way" Spider-Man realised now it was Captain America, his voice was scratched up and pain was evident in his voice.

Despite the pain, tears and broken everything Spider-Man had never been the person to follow orders, and he wasn't about to listen now.

"Spider-Man I swear to-" It was Iron-Man talking now, he could see him leaning againts a wall, half his suit torn and twisted dangerously around his body, he stopped listening, couldn't be bothered listening to their stupid rants and stupid voices, he had to speak up.

"Y'know you guys once asked me who I thought I was, walking around in... a suit and saving cats on trees" Tony was cut off and peter could tell he was fuming, but he didn't care not now, now was his only chance.

"And I finally have an answer for you, I'm..  I'm a hero" The comms went silent for a few seconds before a bitter laugh come through the radio, that identified as clint.

"You think you're a hero kid? You're no hero, but we, the avengers we are heroes." Peter could feel the bitterness coming out his voice could feel the sarcasm and disgust, but he coudnt being him self to care.

"What do you know about being a hero?" This time it was Natasha, the black widow, she hadn't spoken to Spider-Man much but when she did it wasn't anything nice.

"What do I know about being a hero??" Spider-mans words where slow and slurred and he made sure the explosive was still in his arm as he took anouther step forward

"Y'know what being a hero is, making sacrifices for the people you love, and you wouldn't know sacrifice if it slapped you in the face" Tony had spat it in the comms and hissed at the end as he poked at his wounds.

"Sacrifice? I don't know anything about sacrifice?" Spider-Man was fuming, he was tired and in pain but anger was all he could put in those words

"You want to know what sacrifice is? Every single day, I got out I put my self into New york and you know what I do? I take knifes, bullets, building hell bazookaz for the people I love" he was determined now, taking two steps towards, the alien he wasn't even paying attention to focused on laughing to the sky, soaking In his victory.

"You want to know what sacrifice is? Even after every bullet, every wound every stitch I don't stop. I go back out and I help, I-I help as much people I can and the fact that I get see one face smile when I get their cat out a tree, one sigh of r-relief when they get their purse back or even happy tears when they realise they aren't going to get killed alone in an alley, that's enough for me, ok? That's enough for me." Peter new his voice was breaking and he was loosing his cool but he couldn't help it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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