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Haley and Dylan lived in a apartment that had 2 bedrooms 1 living room 1 kitchen. Poppy and George shared a room. Haley and Dylan shared a room!

~ In the morning ~

Haley was in the kitchen making breakfast it was some yummy bacon and eggs!.

Haley let out a sigh before saying "KIDS! TIME TO GET UPP" Then put the food on the plates and put the plates on the dining room table.

"Morning honey.." Dylan said in a raspy tired voice while walking out of their room as then sat down at the dining room table.

"Morning!" Haley said as kissing Dylan's cheek "those trouble makers..".

Haley walked to the twin's room to find them fighting over who's changes in the bathroom and who changes in here/

"...Seriously? Poppy go change in the bathroom George change in here!" Haley said with an annoyed voice.

"Oh, Okay alright thank you mum!" Poppy said as bowing in a thank you manner then grabbed her clothes while walking to the bathoom.

"Ugh..Alright alright" George said grabbing his clothes.

Haley walked out of their room before locking it

Haley sighed "Poppy is so polite..I wonder where she got in from? Mean while George has a mix of mine and Dylan's personality. I'll ask mum about it later! For now I should eat" Haley said confused at first then happy as she walked to the dining room and waited for her beloved children

"Hey dad and um mum again" George said walking out of the room and siting down at the table

"Geez when will Poppy be done..People are hugry you know?" George said clearly annoyed with his sister taking so long

"Hey you look nice Bud" Dylan said clicking his tongue and letting out a short smile

George was wearing black jeans, White shirt under his dark-ish blue hoodie you could only a little bit of his white shirt

"Thanks dad" George said smiling

Poppy walked out wearing . . . white knee high socks with black lines on the top of it, A light blue skirt and a white crop-top but not to high just enough to show a little bit of her stomach, She was wearing cloud earring's as well

"Try hard much?" George said chuckling

"Shut upp!" Poppy said pouting a bit

"aww..Honey you like so cute!" Haley said hugging Poppy

"I can't believe you guys are already in high school..Next thing you know your moving out!" Haley said laughing

"Mum I hate to ruin this moment but we have to go! Were gonna be late!" George said rushing to the door to put his shoes on

Poppy sighed "Yeah sorry mama" Poppy said walking to the door putting her shoes on

The twins grabbed their backpack's and lunches then ran outta the house

Older Poppy and George!Where stories live. Discover now