Alex's is helping

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"Geogre noo! you take that then bring it down to here then take this one bring it up, Plus that with that and then multiply that!" Alex said while moving her finger tips at the numbers and bringing it up and down on the paper so Geogre would understand

"Ohh! Okay!" George said as he started to write down on his homework and doing all of math in his head

"Still smart as ever eh?" Haley said walking into the room

Haley put a fruit platter on the ground in front of Alex, George and Poppy

"Yeah I guess" Alex said rolling her eyes while grabbing a fruit from the platter and then eating it

"Aunt Alex! I don't understand this!" Poppy said in a sad voice for as she's starting to feel dumb

"Well let's see it!" Alex said starting to look at Poppy's studies and Homework

Alex explained it and then Poppy got to work! It was quite easy for Poppy to understand new things for as she was always smart when it came to new things

Alex got up

"My work is calling me, I'll be back kiddos and Haley!" Alex said walking out of the room

~ After the phone call and studying ~

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