Chapter Five: Enchanted.

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Chapter Five: Enchanted.

Three days passed and Emily had finally been allowed by John to get back to doing farm work. She was beginning to bore of the farmhouse on her own. Her ankle although not fully healed much to John's protests that she should still be taking it easy, she was beginning to be able to put some weight on it.

She had another reason to why she wanted to be better; John had promised her that he was going to take her out on a date when she was able to walk. A proper date, their first, but if anyone would ask it would be because of an anniversary or something.

'You know if you are not ready for work, you don't have to' John held her as she climbed the fence.

'John, I am fine' she replied, 'I am bored at looking at the four walls in the farmhouse while you do all the work'

'I don't mind' John protested, 'I don't want you to feel that you have to come back because I am tired, I can cope I need you to get that ankle sorted'

'Don't make me hurt you John' Emily glared at him. 'You know I could'

'I am only pointing out the facts, you hurt it bad. And if it doesn't heal properly then it will be worse' John smiled, 'And I know full well you can hurt me'

Emily knocked him to the floor and placed herself on top of him, 'John, it is great that you are worried about my ankle. But let me be the one to judge if I am able to do it. I am ready to get back to work. And I am fine with my ankle. I also want to go out on a date with you so forgive me if I am in a hurry to want to get this ankle better'

John met her eyes, his own eyes turning blue to a grey. He gulped when he looked at her on top of him. He pulled his hand and cupped her cheek, 'There is no good me trying to look out for you or protecting you is there?'

'None what so ever I am afraid, although I like to think of looking out for each other. You know I don't need protecting' she replied, she leant her cheek into his hand; 'Although I must say it makes me feel very special when you try' she kissed his lips gently.

He kissed her back and smiled, that lop- sided drop dead gorgeous smile that Emily was fast learning that she was unable to refuse anything he wanted. Anything he needed she would do it for that smile. 'We should get on with some work if I am to take you out tonight then' he smiled softly.

Emily pulled herself up and then extended a hand towards him, 'John' He grasped it, 'Would you come to the stable so I can see Thor with me?'

'Not scared are you?' he teased.

'No, I know it was not his fault what happened but can you come with me so that he sees it's not his fault, on my own he might freak'

'Of course Em, we can go after I have done this'

'Thanks John' she smiled.


John and Emily walked into the stable a little while later, John first. Although Emily was very experienced when it came to horses, she needed John to go in first calm Thor down if he needed to be.

'Hey Boy' John smiled. He gently touched the horse's nose, 'I have brought someone with me today'

The horse looked at John and then neighed. John turned to Emily and beckoned her in.

'Hey boy' Emily smiled, she moved towards him with an apple in her hand. Thor took it gratefully and nuzzled her hand, 'I know you are sorry boy, it was my fault not yours, you told me not to run away'

'Run away?' John looked at her, 'Why were you running away?'

'John, I was being stupid foolish, I thought that I couldn't stay if I wasn't able to be with you in the way I wanted to'

'Em' He moved closer to her, 'why couldn't you talk to me?'

'The same reason you couldn't talk to me about your feelings I didn't know how you felt'

'From now on promise me, you will tell me if you feel that something is wrong, if you feel overwhelmed. It's what I am here for' John smiled.

Emily nodded. 'I am sorry as I said, I didn't know'

John smiled to her, 'its okay just don't do it again'

She smiled back, 'I won't promise sergeant'

He looked at her again. He sighed. She was such a complicated creature whenever he thought he was getting somewhere with her the wall would go back up and she would again put some distance between them. Maybe she did not trust him as much as he trusted her at the moment. He however, could not be more wrong. Emily trusted him completely maybe too much she had to keep telling herself.


Emily looked about her room. How was she going to dress tonight? She sighed she was not one for fancy dresses but in her head, she wanted to look nice tonight. There of course were first dates that you could have, but she wanted this one to be perfect. She imagined John had gone a few 'first dates' with women. She was unsure what was expected. She had not really had a first date. John was kind of the first one. Men did not really ask her out, she had never had what she would call a relationship with a man. Of course she was no virgin but when she had sex it was not out of love she knew that now. She was what many other women would call a shag of convenience, because she was there.

She placed a black dress on it fitted snugly over her hips. A halter neck black dress and some little kitten heels. Even if her ankle was going to protest from wearing heels she was determined that she was going to look beautiful tonight. She brushed the knots out of her hair and allowed it to sit. It looked a little messy but this was what she wanted. Picking up the red lipstick she traced the outline of her lips with it. You must really like this man you haven't worn lipstick in years. She smiled to herself. John was going to go wild when he saw her well that was what she hoped anyway.

Emily walked down the stairs to meet John at the bottom he was wearing a black shirt and a pair of jeans. She smiled to him.

John's breath caught in his throat. He looked at the woman standing before her. He met her eyes. 'You look... amazing'

'Don't sound so surprised John' she teased, 'I have you know that soldiers scrub up well, you are proof of that one'

'Don't be so bloody cheeky. I don't know try and pay a woman a compliment she ends up insulting you' John shook his head, 'I don't know maybe I should reconsider this date'

'You wouldn't?'

'I might' John smiled, 'You better be nice to me'

'John, you are looking very dashing tonight now would you please take me out for dinner'

'I will' John moved his lips to her ears, 'you look beautiful you know. That dress I think you look gorgeous in it, I wonder if you will look as good out of it'

Emily smiled and took his hand, 'Well Sergeant. Play your cards right and you may get the chance'

John took her hand and squeezed it, they walked out of the farmhouse and out to their first date together. Both hoped that it would be the first of many.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2011 ⏰

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