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Third person POV:

As they began descending below the facility, the pro heroes began having an uneasy feeling, to say the least. All Might couldn't help but think what young Eri meant by 'they'. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong down there. He glanced around the elevator and noticed that the others were experiencing the same feeling. 

Ryukyu: You all feel that weird feeling as well?

Nighteye: Yup.

Hawks: Meh, all we have to do is inspect the bottom floor, find any civilians and get out of there.

Miruko: Plus, we get to beat up any scientist down there! *Smirks*

Before long, a loud *DING* was heard before the elevator doors parted. When the pro heroes exited the elevator doors, they were greeted with another door. The door itself was made of steel and had a small fingerprint password station next to it.

Hawks: I'm assuming no one knows the password, right? 

Everyone else: *Shakes head*

Hawks: No, alright then. All Might, the floor is yours.

All Might: Alright then.

As he was beginning to charge up his quirk, the other pro heroes began backing up.


As he punched the door, it flew off it's hinges and inside of the research facility. As the other's peaked into the room, it was revealed to be a long white hallway leading to another room right at the very end of the hallway. 

The heroes then made they're way towards the end of the hallway. As they were heading towards the door, they noticed multiple security cameras and emergency weapons on the walls. When they arrived and attempted to open the door, it just went inwards revealing something really gruesome. 

Inside the room was multiple science equipment, document's, monitors and et cetera. What's really disturbing were two things, the twenty tubes placed in a long row and the corpse of a decease scientist on the floor. The scientist himself was very pale, his white hair ruined by the blood that was flowing out. A gun by his side, the bullet left a wound that came right through his head.

Aizawa: Definitely a suicide.

All Might: What happened here??

Hawks: Ummm guys, you might want to check this out. . .

The other pro heroes could only stare in shock at what they were looking at. There were about 20 human-sized test tubes placed in a singular row from left to right. Each one had multiple monitors, machines and even little name tags on the top of them. They almost looked like one of those human test tubes from games or science fiction movies, but now they were in real life. Each test tube was filled with a different colored liquid with another disturbing content inside, each test tube was occupied. All 20 test tubes had a human child, young teenagers to be precise, each one having noticeable featured altered and almost molded from different DNA. One kid had pink skin and different vine like appendages attached to her while another had red hair and a spiked carapace and tail. 

Ryukyu: W-what is this?!?

Nighteye: I don't know, but according to these monitors on the test tubes, they're still alive. All 20 of these children are still alive and are just waiting to be released. 

Miruko: Hey guys, you might wanna check this out. . .

At the very end of the room, there were three more human-sized test tubes with one key difference from the others, there was nothing inside of them. The other pro heroes noted that the test-tubes were definitely used but were broken beyond repair. Each one having the glass shattered from the inside out., meaning whatever was holding it broke out of it's test tubes. On the top of each test tube read a specific name:

PROJECT: MONSTER CLASS (My hero academia Kaiju AU)Where stories live. Discover now