Chapter 12

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Things are gonna start getting interesting so I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
(This chapter comes after Luna)
No ones POV:

After breakfast Camila and Y/n headed too the infermery building. Wasn't big, just a small house amongst the other houses owned by members of the pack.

The two wolves who worked their were Melanie and Cat, she however was in training. Ally sometimes would help out since she was the mystic but not always.

Once they were in the small area, y/n and her new mate took a seat in the small, cosy, waiting room.

Nervous, the new Luna fidgeted with her hands. Ever since that dream, she had been on edge but she was unsure of why.

Next thing she knew a shorter women with two different colors in her hair came up to them.

"Ah Alpha what can I do for you?"

"Hey Melanie, can you make sure our bond is forming right and if our bites look like they are healing well?"

"Of course Alpha, follow me."

They were lead to the 3rd room on the left hand side. It wasn't that big but, had a check up bed and posters on the wall.

" Ok, y/n please sit on the chair next to the table. I'm gonna examine Camila first than you, would you like a lollipop while you wait?"

Y/n nodded vigorously while Melanie smiled sweetly at her. She handed her a cherry one and then turned to Camila.

"Ok, the first thing I wanna check is just the basic check up. You know: vitals, ears, nose, mouth, blood pressure, body temp all that stuff."

Camila nodded as Melanie started her examination. Writting down bits and pieces of information that would go into record. After the basic examination was finished, Next came the more crucial exam.

"Ok, first I'd like you to take your shirt off so I can examine the bite more clearly." Camila then slid her shirt off revealing her perfect body. Making y/n's mouth water and making her a tad self conscious.

"That's weird?"

"What is?"

"Your bite is completely healed?"

"Isn't it normal for werewolves to have fast healing?"

"Yes, but usually marks take awhile, do too werewolf venom and bonding."

Melanie was puzzled as to why this happened. She took a quick glimpse at the previous information she had jotted down.

"Your other data seems normal except for your heart rate is a tad faster and your temp is a tad warm....Y/n can you please take your shirt off and hop on the table next too Camila."


Once y/n hopped on the exam table she slipped her shirt off and put her arms around her stomach.

"Sweetie, there is no need to be self conscious here. Your very beautiful and so is your body, I believe Camila would agree judging by all those love marks."

That caused y/n to turn beat red while Camila gripped her hand for support.
Next, Melanie walked to Y/n to see how the mark compared to Camilas.

"Its the same, completely healed..."

"If you don't mind Alpha I'd like too keep both of you here for a bit and run some tests."

"Thats ok, I don't want anything to be wrong with us so better safe then sorry."

Y/n just nodded still feeling on edge.

Melanie walked out of the room while leaving the two new mates alone.

"What's wrong love? Before and after breakfast you havent been looking to great."

"Im scared..."

"What about? Did someone did something or say something to you?"

"Not that dream I had they said the same thing my mom said before she died."

"Which thing?"

"That my blood was special..."

Suddenly the door opened and another short women with red hair came in.

"Hi you guys! I don't know if you remember me but I'm cat."
The energetic wolf said.

"Ye I remember you..."

"Great so I'll be taking your blood for testing, any questions before we start."

Camila shook her head no while Y/n cuddled into camilas side.

"Great, I'll take y/ns first so you can get it over with. You know my brother use to have to do these every week."


"Because the cops told him he had too or else."

Camila looked at her weird while y/n was just nervous about her blood being drawn.

Cat took out the needle and the small tube attached too it; cleaning it with a wipe. Cat then ripped open the second wipe gently whipping the area thar would soon be pierced.

Camila was holding y/ns hand while Y/n's eyes were shut extremely tight.

"Ok just a little prick and some blood. It'll be over pretty quickly dont worry."

Cat took the needle in her right hand while holding y/ns arm with her left. She gently peirced the skin in her arm and took blood from the girls vains.

Y/n whimpered while camila rubbed her back saying sweet nothings too her.

"Great all done! Next its Alphas turn." Cat exclaimed, with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Oh wait y/n almost forgot what band aid would you like?"

"The light pink please. "

*time skip*
No ones pov:

Melanie was currently studying both the blood samples in the lab.

"Cat can you get Ally over here? There is something weird happening with these samples."

"Sure, ill get her over here right away."

Cat exited the room going to the reception desk to call the mistic. Luckily, there was little to no other patients besides the Alpha and the luna.

"Hey Ally! Melanie needs you down here asap."

"Ok, ill be there in 5."

*5 min later*

"Mel whats up?"

"Ally take a look at this...something is weird about the samples."

Ally studied the sample under the microscope.

"Whos sample is this?"


Ally nodded while looking down again. It looked like another set of cells were in the blood sample. They looked mutated.

"Let me see Y/n's."

Melanie switched out the samples while Ally looked intently through the microscope.

"Thats odd. All of y/ns cells look like the invading cells in camilas blood."

"Ik ive looked at it hundreds of times but what does it mean?"

Ally then pulled out a book that was like a encyclopedia on different supernaturals.

After they both searched for the anser they found a picture of blood that matched y/ns. Looking up at the title it said two words:

Angel blood


Hi guys so um i actually edited this one so it wont be as annoying to read lol :)

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