Part Two

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Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks past and all I did was walk around worrying, couldn't sleep, eat or rest its been 15 days and everyone saw. Some even reastured me to rest but, I couldn't. Somehow I starred to feel my health fall as well and everyone saw, my stomach was upset always throwing up, I was tired and would just fell asleep, or even faint from nowewhere. Everyone starred to worry. I knew it was stress.

Natasha asked me to see Bruce, yet I hessitated everytime even James would keep an eye on me.

Until this one day. We all were talking to see who we know and who dissapeared and Tony was no where to be found. I felt all this worry, my legs begin to feel weak and just then James caught me and held me.

"Pepper, what is going on with you?" James asked as Thor run with Natasha to my side.

"Pepper, your health. It's first now. Tony needs you to be strong." Natasha told and I just cried.

"What are her symtomes?" Bruce asked coming to my side.

"Vomitting severly a day." Natasha told showing to a chair.

"Can't eat." Thor yelled looking at me, holding me.

"Tired!" James replied looking at me as they helped me to a chair.

"Fainting." Steve said as Bruce think, after listening to all that something that Tony said before I saw him maked me realised something.

"I can't be, can I?" I asked as all look at me in worry.

"What?" All yelled looking at me.

"Can't be what?" Steve asked looking at me.

"Tony, last I saw him... he had
... had a dream that we had a..." I felt myself blacked out.

I woke up by Bruce's care, everyone was outside looking at me smiling.

"You okay?" Bruce asked me and I nodded.

"How do you feel?" James asked me.

"Better, thank you."

"Did Tony dreamd that, you both had a kid." Natasha asked me sitting by my side with James on my right both smiling bright, as all smiled walking in.

"Yeah, Morgan funny right? How did you?" I asked shocked as all nodded.

"Pepper, you're expecting." Bruce told as all smiled I cried as Natasha comforts me.

"Hey, that is so good news trough all this." Steve told smiling.

"We are so happy!" Clint told smiling.

"Tony would be so happy." Happy replied then all looked at him.

"I can't be now, Tony..." I cried as all knew Tony is still missing.

"Pepper, we are going to do everything." James told as all nodded.

21 days past since the blip and everyone kept an eye on me, to eat, sleep and even when I had morning sickness.

Just then we had an income from the realm. It was Carol, Captain Marvel bringing a ship.

"Our ship!" the racoon yelled.

"Tony?" I yelled hoping as we all run out.

"Please let it be Tony!"


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