Jennie - 1

429 15 9

When I regained my consciousness, my body was already in motion.

'Thank the Transmigration Gods that the stupid system had the basic principles to give me the details beforehand'


I was petrified. Wilson looked completely furious as he dragged me to the area behind the chapel, our hideout.

Suddenly, Lawrence's words echoed in my brain, "Why are you so bent on being with him? Wilson sees you only as a pastime and a popularity upholder. I bet once he sees me kissing you, his first impression would be to accuse you of cheating on him. He would blame you for kissing another guy without even knowing what exactly happened here."

With that, he had forced a kiss on my lips. I struggled, but it was all in vain. Lawrence had my hands pinned above my head.

I was about to let my knee kiss his nuts when he suddenly went flying to my right. That's when I realized that Wilson was here. And that he had punched Lawrence so hard that he went flying to the ground.

"Stay away from her, scum" Wilson had spat in his face, the typical Wilson-insult that I almost adored.

Once we reached our destination, I found myself pinned to the wall again. But this time, the hold was not painful. The wall was soft with a layer of beautiful green moss. The eyes on me didn't hold any malicious intent, but they were burning.

I was confused. It didn't take Lawrence's words for me to know that Wilson didn't really like me. I was well aware that I was just a convenient way of keeping girls (or rather germs, in Wilson's words) away.

Then where was this anger coming from?

I squashed the slight hope that tried to bud in my heart. After a painful three years of this relationship, I realized that it was next to impossible to acquire even a small piece of his heart. The guy was stone cold. And so was his heart, unfortunately.

'He would blame you for kissing another guy without even knowing what exactly happened here'
The annoying words echoed again, and I anticipated the accusation. Wilson leaned in, and I flinched, shutting my eyes. But his next words had my eyes flowing wide open the very next second.

"You. Are. Not. Allowed. To. Fall. For. That. Scum!!!" He harshly whispered.

'Huh? Where's the accusation?'

His frown told me I accidentally spoke that out loud. "What accusations? Wasn't he assaulting you? I knew it. I should have beat him up a bit more..."

His husky voice was so calming... it always managed to calm me. But right now, my heart was smiling so wide, I bet it reflected on my face.

Wilson's nose scrunched up, "Wh-what? What are you looking at me like that for?" His adorably confused expression made me smile wider.

"Why are you smiling? Did you hit your head somewhere?"

I shook my head, "No. It's just... I'm just surprised you trusted me. Instead of..., you know, accusing me of cheating on you."

His expression dropped, reverting to the emotionless facade, "Who else would I trust? That jackass?" He might not have realised it, but those words seared deep down into my heart. The trust he showed in me empowered me. And I grinned at his poker face. "Thanks for believing me"

"Of course, dumbass." He paused, gauging my mood, "Do you want me to report that scum to the authorities?"

I shook my head, "That won't be necessary. He was trying to convince me that you will accuse me of cheating right after seeing him force himself on me. It was a sort of test..." I then mumbled to myself, "–test of your commitment."

Quick Transmigration: Tame the VillainessWhere stories live. Discover now