Chapter Four

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"You need to convince your parents to let you come with us over winter break! My asshole uncle has a winter home in Vail, and he invited me and my sister to come stay with my cousin. I was kind of shocked he invited us but I lowkey think my dad is holding something over his head because he's been nice for the last year — anyway, you should ask them. Amy is coming. Your parents like us, right? Is your dad still giving you a phone?"

It seems like Cindy was ignoring the fact that Y/n was in a daze. In fact it seems that both her and Amy have not noticed the shift in Y/n's behavior for the past four weeks. She's been jaded since she left Natasha's apartment with no more than a hug and a lonely walk to the train line. She went back to campus the next day feeling defeated and unsure of her relationship.

And it was her fault. She should have ignored Bucky and not let him get to her. He probably just picks at her because she is considerably younger, but she shouldn't be dumb enough to fall for it.

The communication between her and Natasha has been few and far between. With the drama that happened after Natasha's birthday party and finals coming up, she has no time to really talk to Natasha. Their first real conversation has to be about what happened that night. Y/n isn't sure if she's ready to talk about it though. Right now she takes the occasional message from Natasha as a good thing but god does she miss talking to her for hours and into the night.

Only talking just to ask each other everyday 'how are you' is painful; that is not what couples do. The conversations never went beyond them responding to that dreadful question.

Her impending finals and papers she has to turn in acts as a distraction for Y/n. She can blame the time she is spending preparing for the end of semester as the reason why she is not talking to Natasha. She knows she is lying to herself, but it placates her for the time being.

"Seeing that I pass chem, my dad will probably buy me the phone, but-"

"It's about time! We're tired of having to communicate with you via carrier pigeon," she joked.

"I know. But Cindy, I need you to understand that there is a 0% chance my parents will allow me to go to Vail with you guys, especially if I'm gone for the holidays."

"You just have to ask! You'll be with us. Nothing will happen to you. You have to be there Y/n! You know how fun it will be to bring in the new decade with us in a place like Vail? The place is beautiful and has a gorgeous view."

"You know how my parents are."

"Okay and you're going to be 20 next year. What are they going to do when you get married and have your own family and don't visit for the holidays? Are you going to be under their rule forever?"

Cindy was hitting such a sore topic without even knowing. Y/n wanted to hang out with her so she could take a break from studying but still have a distraction from thinking about her current relationship. However, her friend keeps poking at her about this stupid trip to Vail. It sounds like a fun idea, but there is no way her parents would allow her to go.

She feels pressured by her friend who is nagging her. It's like white noise is filling up her head, and somehow she is thinking more and more about her problem with Natasha. There is an uncomfortable question that feels like it is on the tip of her tongue. She almost feels like she is going to experience a case of word vomit that will make things worse for her. She can't want to admit her entire dilemma to Cindy, not today at least, but she can't stop herself from seeking advice that she desperately needs.

"Can I ask you something?"

Cindy lifts her brows in curiosity. Y/n completely disregarded her challenge and Cindy finally notices the distressed look on her face. Instantly the topic of the trip to Vail is pushed to the side due to her friend's peculiar behavior.

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