chapter four..

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Chan had picked seungmin up and made the younger boys legs wrap around his waist, taking him downstairs. Seungmin had whined and snuggled into the crook of his abductors neck, he'd never expect to ask for such a thing.. especially not to someone who basically took his life away from him by locking him up in a place he'd never be able to escape. He felt dizzy, tired and alone. Even though he was in someone's arms.. surrounded by warmth.. he felt lonely. He had tears rolling down his cheeks again as he was sat down on the chair. " seungmin.. "
" min.. ? "
" BRAT. " was yelled into seungmin's ears, snapping the small boy out of his trance. He looked at Chris and sniffled " w-what?.. " he asked him softly, looking pale out of fear. He was afraid of the other.. but he also wanted love and affection from him.

" you should stop being so afraid of me baby.. i'll make you pay for that you know.. now eat your food or else you won't have any for days. " he slammed his hand on the table, making seungmin flinch as his lips trembled, his eyes slowly moving towards the plate of food that was placed on the table. Two sandwiches and a cup of milk besides it.. ' what if it's poisoned ?.. i don't care anymore, i'm hungry. ' he honestly felt sick, he thought that it was just cause of the hunger so he just nodded a bit before he quickly grabbed one of the sandwiches and placed his teeth in it.

A few minutes passed and all of the food was gone,, the only problem was.. seungmin felt dizzy and lightheaded. Everything slowly began to get blurry as he knew that he was in trouble. He got up and ran away, not wanting to be with the other and being afraid of the others reaction to him being sick " u better stay ! " he heard chris warn him. He felt his temperature rising as nausea hit him. He groaned as everything quickly went black, feeling an sharp pain in his stomach while he collapsed, his body hitting the ground. Now he was laying on the cold floor in the middle of Chris his hallway. " WHERE THE FUC- oh lord.. " chris ran up to him and immediately kneeled down besides him, checking his temperature with the back of his hand " oh baby.. a fever.. fuck.." he sighed and picked him up in bridal style " i'm sorry.. " he softly spoke and took the younger back inside, to the couch. Ofcourse he had anger boiling inside of him, but hearing the others heavy breaths, seeing his pale face, chapped lips. He softened up. Laying the younger down on the couch with a soft sigh, he sat down besides him and took his phone, dailing his personal doctors number. Taking Seungmin's hand and softly rubbing it while he called the doctor. " yes mark, it's chan, please come asp. " He immediately hung up again, knowing that he could count on Mark.

While he waited for him, he rubbed seungmins cheek by cupping it with his hand and rubbing his thumb over the youngers single chubby cheek.
He wasn't the type to take good care of his victims, never, they usually ended up in the ditch.
but seungmin.. was different, none of his victims ever asked for peace and love with him.. they usually begged for mercy and freedom.
Ofcourse seungmin wanted freedom aswell but he tried to get it in a different way.

- while chan was too caught up in his thoughts, Mark had walked in and stared at him.
" chan.. dont tell me that you're softening up.. What did this kid do to deserve your attention and care?.. love..affection ? " Chan snapped out of his thoughts cause of Mark's question, removing his hand from the others cheek.
" erm.. he asked for it.. " he softly spoke, gulping as he got up and guided Mark to seungmin.
Mark sat down and sighed " what happened to him?.. he looks horrible.. " he glared at chan.
Chan looked away making mark even more disappointed " you went too hard AGAIN. " He looked away and shook his head.
" let me take him over and make him feel atleast a bit better, he either has a high fever that's way too bad or he's pregnant. "
Chan looked at him with slightly big eyes " PREGNANT ? " He yelled.
Mark nodded and picked the weak boy up " yep, haven't you seen his body properly yet? it's incredibly feminine and he has a petite waist, he's obviously a fem boy.. " he softly sighed and walked away with seungmin. Making Chan groan and softly shake his head out of frustration " fuck it, i'm keeping him "
Mark turned around and looked at chan.
" then take him, give him a bath, medicines, ill leave those on the counter and place a cold slightly wet towel on his forehead, cover him up properly and make sure that he gets a proper rest for two days. Meanwhile, you're gonna be the best soon to be dad to him. Help him through it. "

AU NOTE : i am aware of the fact that males cant get pregnant and pregnancy doesnt work this quickly, but just accept it <<

chan gulped and slowly nodded before walking up to Mark, taking seungmin in his arms again, hearing the younger letting out a soft groan.
" be careful with him.. he's, sensitive.. " mark told chan and then watched chan leave to upstairs.

chan walked into the bathroom and quickly filled the bath with water while looking at the youngers body that was on the ground, sitting up and leaning against the walls, right in the corner so he wouldn't fall.
He sighed and picked him up again " oh sweetie.. why u ?.. " he slowly shook his head and placed seungmin in the water.
softly running his hand through the youngers hair while looking at him " how am i gonna treat u?.. i never treated anyone right.. " he softly spoke.
Cupping his hands in the water to catch it a bit like a bowl, letting the water drop on seungmin's head. He then grabbed shampoo and softly rubbed the shampoo into his hair, moving his fingers over his scalp.

ten minutes later he finished washing the younger..
He picked him up and dried him, knowing that the younger will absolutely hate him if he told the news right away. He heard seungmin softly groan as he looked at him and hummed " u awake ?.. " he asked him as he slipped an oversized t-shirt over seungmin's head.
Seungmin slowly nodded, tears filling up his eyes, his beautiful lashes becoming wet.
" hey hey.. you okay?.. what's wrong ? " he asked him softly.
" i-i heard it.. " seungmin gulped and let his tears roll over his cheeks. Just to feel Chan's thumb removing it from his soft cheek.
" i'm sorry love.. so so sorry.. " he softly spoke and pulled seungmin into a hug.
Softly patting the youngers head while seungmin snuggled into his chest " i'll take good care of you.. i swear.. "

' mine ' / seungchan 🔞Where stories live. Discover now