⚠️Petty Theives⚠️

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Lucifer arrived at the gates of hell, the guardsmen bowed and looked at each other in disbelief. He pet Cerberus on his way up the path, practically running to the castle.

The guards quickly alerted the maids and staff of his arrival. It was a big deal I mean, he was back! But, Crowleys head was soon to be served on a plater.

Aileth felt her heart clench on its self, it felt like a heart attack. Lila quickly went to her friends aid.

"Are you alright Ali?!"

She coughed, "He's here.."

Lila growled, she hated the effects of when he arrived back. Aileth would get a deadly fever that would wipe out at least 70 humans a day. She would also get very obedient to him, it was the after effect of being reunited.

It was seen as a curse or punishment to the wife for leaving her husband. But Aileth doesn't see it like that and neither does Lucifer it just reminds them that they need to spend more time together. Regarding that,

Lucifer strut up to the castle doors to which were already opened as food and gifts were offered to him yet he ignored them. He walked right past them and straight into the dining hall.

Aileth locked eyes with Lucifer, her green-hazel eyes widened with happiness as his dark brown ones were full of anger.

The hybrid quickly lost her smile and felt the anger of himself rush through her, her body clenched on its self. She felt as if she was suffocating.

Lila tried to keep Lucifer away from her but before she could stand she was thrown to the wall. He was much more powerful in hell than he was on earth.

He grabbed a gasping Aileth by her wrist and pulled her up harshly, "Where is he?!"

Aileth choked on air, she couldn't breathe nor talk.

"Where. Is. He?!"

"Lucifer! Ple-Please..!"

He dropped her wrist and let her struggle on the floor, before grabbing her bridal style and taking her to the medic.

"Deal with her."

The doctor nodded, "Yes sir!"


"Amenadiel, I can feel her pain."

Amenadiel nodded solemnly, "I can to brother. Her sorrow and sadness."

Uriel knew what was happening, "I assume it's the bond correct?"

"The after effects most likely."

The brothers sat quietly in her meadow, noticing how the lilacs were looking a little thirsty.

"Her flowers are dying brother."

Uriel furrowed his brows, "I know."

"That is not normal." Amenadiel observed the flowers.

Flowers or plants in the gardens were not supposed to die. There were no records of a plant ever dying in heaven other than when Lucifer was an Angel that had his own garden.

Now, his was dead. It was dark and burnt, smelled like ashes and a wood burning fireplace. Not ideal for heaven at all.

"What should we do?"

Uriel glanced at his brother, "She needs to come back to heaven."

"For good..."


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