oh? well hello there.

311 6 1

I completely forgot I even owned this app oh my goddd.

I don't think I'm gonna write like soon or ever again honestly, so yeahh.

I've definitely moved on from this and if I would t write again then it'd definitely be something like not weird if that makes sense. Im not gonna write something like, "hey dreamy weamy leany. he's my crush uwu he's 68'7. this is my gogy wogy logy sogy who's 2'7.". like no. that's just plain embarrassing honestly.

I haven't moved on from watching mcyt, but I definitely moved on from writing. I enjoyed it, but it's not my thing anymore. I hope you all understand that though!!

I'm trying to focus more on like track and all that type of stuff along with watching mcyt and yeah! I haven't moved on from them, but I just wanna focus more on like running and doing track. Its more of something I enjoy doing.

Im very sorry but I just don't wanna write anymore and I apologize since I left everybodyyy on a cliff hanger. I appreciate all the reads :).

Ily all sm. bye!!

also before I go heres what the next chapter would've been if I didn't like I publish the chapters. I know it's embarrassing, but yeah whatever. here it is.

"wait what?" sapnap woke up too a notification. It was dream.

"you were right. he does like her." dream admitted.

if u do want me to continue I probably might but yeah whatever bye!

-190 words
-A :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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