Rose-Coloured Boy

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Kazuichi enjoyed being at Ibuki's house a lot more than his own. It was late when they both realised they had to sleep.

"Ibuki gets bed, you get couch!" Ibuki jumped onto her bed and bounced a bit.

"Yeah, sure," Kazuichi sat himself up on the couch. It was surprisingly comfy to lie on.

"Hold on have this," Ibuki rummaged around and then threw a pillow and blanket at him. "Ibuki has a lot of these."

"You sure seem to," Kazuichi pulled the blanket off his head. "What's the time?"

"Uhhhhhh," Ibuki checked their phone. "10:24 pm?"

"Oh ok, kinda late."

"Not really...?"

"Well how long do you usually stay up?"

"Uhhh 2:00 am? 3:00 am?"

"Wha- that's kinda late, how do you have so much energy!?"

Ibuki pointed to a pile of cans in the corner. "Caffeine."

"Ah, I see," Kazuichi wrapped himself up in the blanket, flopped over onto his side, and closed his eyes. He was tired. Very tired. Then he felt Ibuki land on him. "ARG! 'Buki what the hell?"

"Ibuki can't sleep," Kazuichi opened his eyes and saw her staring at him like a cat, grinning.

"It's been like five minutes," Kazuichi replied.

"Are you gay for someone?" Ibuki poked his forehead.

"What?" He opened his eyes again. "Yeah I'm gay."

"For anyone?"


"Ibuki wants to know if you like someone."

"Uh, well-" Kazuichi went red. "Yeah but..."

"Who?" Ibuki sat up.

"I'll say in the morning," he rolled over awkwardly.

"Ibuki'll tell you who Ibuki likes!"

"Why would I want to know?"

"Because you do."

Kazuichi was embarrassed. She's just joking, but really, I do. I don't even know why, but there's still that little bit of my eleven-year-old self who wants to know who people have a crush on. It's stupid. Oh for fuck's sake- "yeah you're right, I do," he laughed, sitting up, still wrapped up in blanket.

"Remember when you had black hair and glasses?" Ibuki replied.

"Does that have anything to do with this conversation?" Kazuichi was confused.

"Nope! But remember?"

"Well yeah-"

"Ok so who do you like?" Ibuki crossed her legs.

"Wha- um, no, you go first," Kazuichi looked at a poster on the wall. It was a picture of what looked like a band of interestingly dressed white people.

"Awwww fine," Ibuki stuck their tongue out at him. "So uh..." she suddenly got flustered. "Well um... no YOU GUESS!" She squeaked.

"Awwww why?" Kazuichi laughed.

"Because it's more fun!" Ibuki replied, smiling at him.

"Ok fine," Kazuichi thought for a moment. It didn't take him that long. "Is it Peko?"

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