Movie night

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Steve brought back a bowl of popcorn and sat down. Cib sat right next to him and separated Steve from DK.

DK felt acid in his stomach again. Cib pressed into his side and DK tried to ignore them. Eventually he was annoyed with the movie.

"Steve, I'm gonna go stream. I'm using your stuff," he said.

"Just change the accounts," Steve called after him. DK stormed into Steve's room and shut the door.

He didn't even make it to the computer before he started to cry.

"I always wanted to be with Steve," he cried. He pulled his legs to his chest with his good arm.

Once DK left Cib felt himself smile. He swung himself onto Steve's lap and kissed the taller man.

Steve kissed back and pulled Cib closer. He knew it felt wrong. Cib wasn't meant to be his, but who else would love him?

"I love you..." Cib mumbled. He smirked as Steve just kissed him harder. Steve tried to ignore the feeling he got when DK left. He pulled away and stared at Cib.

"I should go check on DK," Steve mumbled. Cib didn't get up so Steve pushed him gently off. Cib pouted.

"Steve, he's streaming. Leave him alone," Cib said. Steve decided that he was right and pinned Cib down.

DK didn't want to stream anymore. Thoughts pounded through his head as the window opened.

DK whirled around as Austin slipped in. DK went to scream and Austin covered his mouth.

"Sh baby. Hush up now. Why don't you come back to me? Huh? I was only trying to keep you safe from Steve. And look what he did, he hurt you,"

"You hit me though..." DK whispered as Austin moved his hand. He placed it on DKs thigh

"Because you didn't listen baby. I was only trying to keep you safe from everyone else," he said. "Let's go home,"

"I-but Steve?" DK murmured. He didn't want to leave Steve. But Steve didn't love him. So why did he care?

"Broke your heart twice. He took you away from me and then kissed Cib. How about we make him suffer?"

"Suffer? Don't hurt him," DK said and squirmed a little. He was afraid of Austin and wasn't ok with the position they were in.

Right now Austin was half straddling DK. Their heads were close and DK couldn't move.

"No. No pain. He might worry for you but it's ok," Austin whispered. He leaned forward to speak into DKs ear.

"I just wanna stream right now," DK said and tried to move away. He was held down tightly. DK had fear on his face.

"No. No more streaming ok? You belong to me now," Austin hissed. He grabbed a shot from his belt.

"No! I'm not going with you!" DK growled and tried to jerk away, fear in him.

"You don't have a choice," Austin said and injected it. DK slumped forward and felt Austin pick him up.

He found he couldn't fight back and slipped into unconsciousness.

Steve was exhausted and assumed that DK was done streaming. He went to his room and saw DK wasn't there.

Fear struck through him and he ran to the bathroom. DK wasn't there and Steve ran to Cibs room.

"DK isn't in the room. Have you seen him?" He asked in panic. Cib walked over.

"Don't worry about him. I'm sure he's just fine," Cib purred. Steve shifted in fear.

"I don't know. It's not like DK to just disappear,"

"Well then, why don't I make you forget about it?" Cib said. Steve felt himself being pushed against a wall and let Cib kiss him.

DK woke up in someone's arms. He knew immediately who it was. A small whimper came out of his mouth.

"I'd suggest you not make a noise baby," Austin growled. DK resisted a whimper of fear. He was too afraid to move.

Austin sat up and forced DK to sit up as well. He smiled and tilted the shorter mans head up.

"Let's set a few ground rules since you are mine now," Austin purred. DK didn't respond until a threatening growl.

"Yes sir," DK whispered.

"Good boy. Now, you do whatever I say. Understand?" A nod from DK. "And if you mention anything about your friends or streaming then you'll be in trouble,"

"But. Why should I listen to you?" DK asked. He glared at DK.

"You know exactly what will happen," Austin growled. DK dropped his head in submission and nodded. "Speak,"

"Yes sir," he whispered. Austin grabbed DKs chin and kissed him. DK hesitantly kissed back.

Steve lay awake in Cibs room. Both under the covers and both butt naked.

Steve held Cib close to him. Not very happy. He wanted DK so badly that it hurt.

Cib wrapped his arms around Steve's neck a neck buried his face into his chest. Steve managed to get away from Cib and pulled his clothes on.

He walked to his room and opened the computer. He was signed into his account. Not DKs.

DK hadn't even streamed today. Steve felt his chest tighten. He was sent into a panic. The window.

The window was open and a handprint was on the outside of the window. Steve started to breath quickly.

He grabbed for his phone. He called the police. He called in a missing person. The police asked him questions before he hung up.

Cib came in and grabbed Steve's phone. He tossed it onto the bed and started to slowly kiss Steve's neck.

"Forget it love," Cib purred. He ran his hand down Steve's pants until he heard a soft moan from the man.

"Cib not right now. DKs missing,"

"He's fine. Now, I guess you want to have more fun. Huh~"

"Fine. I hope you can't fucking walk in the morning,"

"Make me scream Steve,"

Of course Cib knew that DK was gone. He was the one who called Austin. I mean. They were brothers.

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