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After they streamed the group split up. Janet drove to the police station while the others headed to where DK was. Well, where they hoped.

They got out of the car and the door was locked. Steve took a breath and knocked on the door.

To their surprise, Austin answered it. His eyes widened seeing them. A frown formed on his face.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked and crossed his arms. He leaned against the doorway glared at them.

"Give us back DK," Steve demanded. A hum came from Austin. A smirk crossing his face.

"And what if he doesn't want to go back to you?" He asked and Steve growled lowly. Dumbdog placed a hand on his chest to keep him from moving.

"Why wouldn't he? You kidnapped him!" Hafu snapped. Austin started to laugh. It was an evil laugh, one that made 5up shudder.

"Yeah yeah. Well then, why don't you come on in and ask him," he said and stepped out of the way.

5up had no hesitation as he walked in, Dumbdog close behind. Steve followed with Hafu right behind.

DK was sitting in the kitchen and looked up as they came over. His eyes were wide. He stood up and took a few steps before pausing

"W-what are you guys doing here?" He asked softly. Steve was hugging him tightly in less than a second. DK didn't hug back

"I was so fucking worried about you. Let's go home," he whispered. DK jerked away and stepped to Austin's side.

"I-you were streaming. You didn't care about me. And you still don't," he spoke. They were only here because they wanted him for content. That's all he was good for

"DK! Of course we care about you!" Hafu said in shock. DK stared at the ground. Nobody spoke for a moment. They were lying

"DK?" 5up asked. He shook his head. He wanted to go back with Steve but wasn't going to. No. Steve didn't care about him. Right?

"You don't care about me. My chat doesn't care about me. Nobody cares about me," DK whispered and Steve heard the brokenness in his voice. He believed Austin.

Steve felt his heart shatter. DK didn't believe him. He couldn't bring DK back with him. He looked at him with broken eyes.

"No. DK, where did you get that idea?" He asked and touched the older mans face. DK pulled away.

He didn't want to be touched by Steve. Well he did, but Steve didn't care about him like that. Not the way DK wanted to be touched

"You streamed after I went missing. You STREAMED after I went MISSING!" DK said, his eyes seemed to glaze over. He was mad. He was angry. He was upset. He wanted Steve though.

"Bud, did you even listen? We were saying we wouldn't be streaming for a while," Dumbdog said gently. DK shook his head.

He never would've believed that Apollo would do this to him. Lie to him. At least in real life. Dumbdog wasn't like that. Or so DK thought.

"No! Cause you couldn't tweet it?! Cause you had to stream?!" DK snapped. Austin put his arm around the shorter mans waist.

"DK please just listen what we are saying!" Hafu said. DK looked at her. He shook his head again. She was lying

Hafu, his mother figure. His older sister figure. She was lying too. Why didn't they understand he knew they were lying.

"So what? You can go back to forgetting about me?" He snapped. They were all taken aback and didn't notice the other figure come into the room

"What are you talking about? We love you DK," 5up said. DK only glared at him. Why were they all like this?

5up was lying too. When they met in real life, DK never would have thought that 5up would lie. But he is.

"Why are you all lying to me? Why don't you understand that I can see right through you?" DK asked. Steve finally spoke after a moment.

"DK. If we didn't care for you, would we have come after you? Would we have come in here to convince you?" He asked. DK froze. Was Steve telling the truth?

"He's lying to you. And you know it," Austin whispered. DK knew his boyfriend was right. He was being lied to.

"Wow. Out of everyone here Steve, I thought you would be the one to tell me the truth. Admit it! You don't give a fuck about me!" DK snapped. Steve walked over and tilted DKs head up.

"Please come home with me," he whispered. DK glanced at Austin. He was still unsure. He wanted Steve.

"Are you really gonna leave with them? The people lying to you?" Austin whispered. DK paused for a moment. Austin was right.

DK moved back and pressed slightly closer to Austin. Steve didn't like that at all. It made acid burn in his stomach.

"I'm staying here," he whispered. Steve tried to grab onto DK but Dumbdog stepped forward and held Steve's arm.

"Steve. Leave it. We can't force him," he whispered. Nobody wanted to leave DK there. But did they really get an option?

"Yeah. Well we can force you to stay here," came Cibs voice before the four dropped to the ground unconscious. "That worked well," he said.

Austin started to laugh with Cib. DK stared in shock but Austin held him back from going to his friends.

Austin was right. Like always.

"They really don't care about me. It's always fake with them," he whispered. Austin stoped laughing and tilted DKs head up.

"It sucks but remember, I'm the only one who really cares about you DK. You know that right?" He asked. DK broke into a small, weak smile.

"I know. Thanks Austin. I'll be in our room," he spoke softly and left. Austin and Cib both smirked at each other.

Little did they know that they forgot about Janet

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