Chapter Three

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Abby follows her brother and Nick into the main enclosure through the side door, carefully they salk through the dense jungle to the back wall. They join Ellis, a worker, who is inspecting the claw marks; Abby frowns slightly as they look at the marks, Owen feeling the grooves with his hand "That wall's forty feet high. You really think she could've climbed out?" Nick asks sceptically. "Depends..." Owen starts. "On what?" Nick asks. "What kinda dinosaur they cooked up in that lab." Abby finishes. Just then Nick's radio starts making a noise, a woman's voice comes through all broken up "...area... ...Paddock 11... ...dock 11, do you copy..." she says making Abby frown slightly. "Yeah, what's the problem?" Nick asks casually. Owen looks round uneasy "I don't like this." Abby says quietly to him making him nod in response. "It's in the cage! It's in there with you!" the woman exclaims over the radio. Nick looks confused as Abby and Owen spring into action "Go!" Owen exclaims grabbing Abby's hand. The four of them start to run back to the door, Nick falling behind slightLydia. Owen, Abby and Ellis come to a stop as the Indominus Rex emerges from the trees, blocking their escape to the door. The dinosaur lets out a massive roar making the three of them turn and start running towards Nick, Ellis not being fast enough and being grabbed.

Nick opens the huge door as the siblings run away from the genetically modified dinosaur, he runs through the door before it starts slowly closing again. "Shit!" Abby shouts, the siblings pushing their legs faster. They run through as the dinosaur snaps at them, managing to get out of the enclosure. Owen squeezes Abby's hand and pulls her under the crane with him as everyone runs, screaming. Abby breathes heavily, trying to catch her breath, as they watch the predator make its way over to where Nick is hiding in front of a truck. The truck is violently knocked aside, flying across the ground and crashing noisily. Abby bites her lip as Owen hides her face in his chest so she doesn't see Nick eaten by the Indominus. Owen quickly moves and pulls his knife out, cutting the fuel line open and dowsing the two of them in gasoline to mask their scent. The predator crouches down on all fours, sniffing around the crane. Abby holds her breath as they see the bloody teeth inch closer and closer until the dinosaur withdraws and walks away. Releasing her breath, Abby leans into Owen as he exhales in relief "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" he asks her urgently. "No, no. I'm fine." Abby assures her older brother. "Come on, Let's go see Claire." Owen tells her before climbing out from under the crane. Abby follows him out from under the crane and walks over to his bike, climbing on behind him before he drives off towards the main park.

They get to the main building and make their way to the Control Room "I need to see a badge. Sir, Mam, I need to see a badge." a security guard tells them. "What the happened out there?" Owen asks as they ignore the guard. "Sir. Mam." the guard tries again but the siblings ignore him and walk over to Claire and Mr Masrani. "There are thermal cameras all over that paddock. She did not just disappear!" Abby glares. Claire sighs "It must have been some kind of a technical malfunction." she tells them. "Were you not watching? She marked up that wall as distraction. She wanted us to think she escaped!" Owen retorts angrily. "Hold on. We are talking about an animal here." Claire glares. "A highly intelligent animal." Abby corrects. "400 meters to the beacon." Vivian pipes up from her desk. The siblings look up and see the camera showing stun devices which the team have been armed with. "You're going after her with non-lethals..." Owen trails off. "We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it!" Mr Masrani exclaims. "Those men are gonna die." Abby tells him. "300 meters to the beacon." Vivian tells them. "You need to call this mission off right now." Owen tells them. "They're right on top of it." Vivian says. "Call it off right now." Owen glares. "You are not in control here!" Claire exclaims. "It's a suicide mission!" Abby shouts. The commander picks up the tracking implant from the ground "Blood's not clotted yet. It's close." he says. "What is that?" Masrani asks. "That's her tracking implant. She clawed it out." Owen tells him. "How would it know to do that?" Claire asks him. "She remembered where they put it in." Abby responds.

Everyone in the control room watches as the commander looks up to see the Indominus camouflaged in the trees "It can camouflage!" the commander shouts. Abby puts her hand to her mouth as they watch the team are killed by the genetic hybrid, the whole room in silent horror "Evacuate the island." Owen tells them. "We'd never reopen." Claire responds. "You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity. She is seeing all of this for the first time. She does not even know what she is. She will kill everything that moves." Abby glares, crossing her arms. "Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" Masrani asks her. "She is learning where she fits in the food chain, and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out." Abby tells him. "Now, Asset Containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have an M134 in your armory. Put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" Owen adds getting angry. "We have families here. I'm not gonna turn this place into some kind of a war zone!" Claire retorts. "Yeah. Well, you already have!" Owen tells her. "Mr and Miss Grady, if you're not gonna help, there's no reason for you to be in here." Claire tells them. Owen walks over to Masrani "I would have a word with your people in the lab. That thing out there, that's no dinosaur." he tells him before he and Abby leave the room.

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