Chapter Seven

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Abby climbs on her bike next to Owen "You ready?" Owen asks her. "No, I don't want my babies going against that thing. It's not a dinosaur it's a nightmare dressed as a dinosaur." Abby responds. Owen nods "I don't like it either." he agrees. "Okay Barry, let my babies out." Abby tells him. Barry nods and presses a button, letting the Raptors out. The four raptors run out and stop in front of Abby "Go find her." she tells them. The four of them chuff before running into the forest, Abby and Owen following with Barry and the InGen soldiers. Barry looks down at a piece of tech, showing that the Raptors are slowing down "They're slowing down." he tells the siblings. "They got something." Owen tells the soldiers through his mic. Suddenly the Indominus Rex appears and looks down at the Raptors, beginning to make noises that a raptor would make with Blue responding "Something's wrong. They're communicating." Barry realises. "I know why they wouldn't tell us what it's made of." Owen responds. The Indominus makes a chuffing noise at the raptors "Why?" Barry asks. "That thing's part Raptor." Abby says, realising the same thing as her brother.

The four raptors turn to Owen and Abby "Babies, calm down. Don't do this." Abby tells them. The soldiers begin to shoot at the raptors and the Indominus "Stop!" Abby shouts as the Raptors bolt. An InGen solider loads a cannon and shoots a missile towards the Indominus, making her fall wounded but getting up and running away "Watch your six. Raptors got a new alpha." Owen warns. "Do not shoot, use your tranq bullets if absolutely necessary!" Abby shouts. Blue runs over to her, tilting her head "Easy baby, you're alright." Abby soothes. Blue chuffs making Abby smile slightly "There we go girl, where are your sisters?" Abby asks. Blue runs to the side, stopping Charlie from jumping on a solider "Good girl Blue. Charlie, calm down. You're alright." Abby says, putting her hand out. Charlie chuffs and nuzzles into it "There we go, that's it. Where are Delta and Echo?" Abby asks. Blue sniffs and looks in the direction of the road, Abby grabs her bike "Lead the way girls." she tells them. Blue and Charlie look at each other and take off in the direction of the road, Abby following and finding Delta and Echo chasing the van with Claire, Gray and Zach in "Girls! Stop!" she shouts. Owen drives out the forest and catches up "Hot these to back in their right mind then." he remarks. "Yeah, mama knows best." Abby responds as they drive after the van, Blue and Charlie running alongside Abby. "Delta! Echo! Stop!" Abby shouts.

The two Raptors slow and turn to face her "Enough, they're our friends." Abby tells them sharply. Blue chuffs at them, Delta and Echo turning and joining Blue and Charlie next to Abby "Good girls. We all calmed down now?" Abby smiles, slowing to a stop and jumping off her bike. The four Raptors nuzzle her, making her smile "Good girls." she tells them. Owen pulls to a stop next to the van, Abby walking over with the Raptors "They calmed down?" Owen asks. "Yeah, they have." Abby assures him. Zach, Gray and Claire hesitantly climb out the van "It's alright, I've calmed them down." Abby reassures them. The four Raptors move their tails back and forth playfully "We're not playing babies, it's time to stop the Indominus." Abby tells them. Gray looks at the Raptor's hesitantly "We gotta get indoors. Follow me." Owen tells them. "Come on girls. Follow the leader." Abby tells the Raptors. The four Raptors line up behind Abby making her smile as she follows Owen, Claire, Zach and Gray inside "Lowery, we're headed your way. Call in a chopper." Claire tells him over the walkie talkie.

"Come on, come on. Go inside. Control room. That way." Claire says, leading them through the main building. "They evacuated the lab. What are you doing?" Abby asks Hoskins. "I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, honey." Hoskins responds. "Where's Henry?" Claire asks. "Dr. Wu, he works for us." Hoskins tells her. "That's not a real dinosaur." Gray tells him, looking at the Indominus blueprints. "No, it ain't, kid. But somebody's gotta make sure that this company has a future. Imagine, that one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen. You see... Millions of years of evolution, what did we learn? Nature is the gift that just... Shit!" Hoskins gets cut off as Abby makes a motion with her hand. Delta and Echo goes either side of Hoskins "Easy. Easy, boy. Easy. Hey, hey. We're on the same side, right? Right? Easy. I'm on your side." he tells Delta as she moves closer. "Claire, get the boys out." Abby tells her, knowing what Delta is going to do. Nodding, Claire grabs the boys and runs out as Delta bits Hoskins' out stretched hand off. Hoskins screams out in horror and pain "Girls. Follow the Leader." Abby tells them. The Raptors line up behind Abby again as they run out the lab and down tone stairs, running out the front.

(A/N: I think we all knew I wouldn't/couldn't kill Charlie, Delta and Echo, they're Abby's babies.

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