The Hanging Tree

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I met with him today. While out riding, with my long auburn hair flowing behind me and my dress caught around my ankles, I saw him. I tried to look as elegant as possible, but it was hard. It was hard having this different personality around him. I couldn't be my sophisticated and poised self. I had to become a reckless lady. But it felt nice. Around him, I didn't have to stay the same. I didn't have to be poised, like I did around Henry. He said my name dignified like. But, when this man, Victor, talked to me, he treated me like a normal person. He called to me with ease. "Beatrice", he'd say, and I would come to him.

I was supposed to meet him tonight. He told me to meet him at the Hanging Tree.

There had been stories of murders and hangings there, but I'd never been there myself. They'd said that's where they strung up the murders for all to see.

I never believed these legends, of course. They were simply made up to enjoy the little ones. My parents took care of the murderers and crazies here.

So, I waited for the rest of the day in my room. I set out the perfect dress, one of my newer ones. I would ride there, as to not dirty the lovely silk dress. I sat at the vanity, brushing out my hair till it felt like silk running through your fingers. I had to look perfect, just for Victor. I could care less about the poor old soul Henry I was betrothed to. But Victor, he was perfect. So he deserved a perfect lady to run off with.

We were meeting at this Hanging Tree to run off and get married and run away together. It was unheard of in our small town, but we had to break tradition so our love would last on. That's what he said at least. I trusted Victor with all my heart. He knew me better than I knew myself.

"Beatrice. You're wanted downstairs," my maid, Maegan, called from outside my door.

"Tell them I'll be downstairs shortly," I sighed. I laid down my brush and got up. I brushed off my skirt and straightened myself out. I rolled my hair into a hidden knot at the top of my neck. I snuck a glance into the mirror and walked back outside into the cold corridors. I walked down to the parlor, where my parents were.

"You have riding lessons tonight, I've been told. You should be ready and outside waiting for the carriage by 7 o'clock. They'll be there to pick you up and bring you to the stables." mother said primly.

"Yes mother." I replied automatically. I turned and walked, with poise, back to my room and continued my prep.

Yes, the stables were right near the Tree. It would be perfect to meet him there. I smiled at myself in the mirror and returned to brushing my hair.

As I sat there, an old lullaby crept into my thoughts. It was about the legendary Hanging Tree where I was meeting Victor tonight. It stated, "Where they strung up a man, they say murdered three.". That was the song my father always sang to me before bed when I was younger. i always thought it was silly back then. Now, I understood it's grimness. I understood the meaning of what happened. But it was all legends, of course. None of this would actually happen in such a small town. Nothing ever happened here. The only bad things that did were the poor street beggars. They sang old songs, old folk tales of the lives before us. They stole often from the richer so they could thrive themselves. But, they were caught and told off for it.

Tonight, I would no longer be alone. I would no longer be proper. Tonight at the Hanging Tree, I would become me.

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