Literally the only chapter

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(A/N- Characters are aged up, cos sex between two 10 y/o are gross, and this is NOT Maxvid, if you ship it or think it is Maxvid, go the hell away)

Max shut the door behind him, focused on the taller boy currently kissing his brains out. They backed up, bumping into the bed.

Max pulled away to push Preston onto the bed, said boy watching as Max slid his usual blue hoodie off of himself. He then sat on Preston's lap, before resuming the kissing.

Hands wandered, Preston's on Max's thighs and ass, Max's going up his Hamilton hoodie and under his shirt. All was fine until-

"Max?" Fucking David opened the door. Both boys quickly separated, staring at the man in the doorway.

He was silent before slipping a condom out his pocket and throwing it at the two.

"Remember, all the greatest heros practice safe sex." He winked.
Max pulled the shirt over his face, Preston staring at the condom wondering why the fuck David carried condoms.

"Get OUT!" Max shouted, flustered as all hell.

David just smiled and shut the door.

Max collapsed backwards on the bed, groaning.

"Well, that was...." Preston started.

"A complete fucking turn-off." Max finished, sitting up and glaring at the condom on the bed.

Preston followed his gaze, before picking it up. "Do you still want to do this?" He said, looking at Max and holding the damned thing up.

Max gave it three seconds of thought before he pounced on his boyfriend and said, "Hell yes."

The next few minutes were a flurry of kisses, touching, and clothes being taken off. Max sucked on Preston's collarbone, the other boy working Max open with his fingers and some lube that Preston had retrieved from Max's nightstand.

Max groaned as Preston worked on stretching him, gently moving his hips in time with the other boy's thrusts.

Preston marveled at the sight of his usually-pissed-off boyfriend, moaning and hard above him. "God, you're hot."

Max blushed, moving to bite a pleasure spot on Preston's neck in order to get him to shut up. It worked, Preston letting out a sharp moan of pleasure.

Preston deemed Max ready, pulling his fingers out, making Max whine at the loss. Preston made quick work of putting on the condom, lubing himself up before slowly slipping into the younger male. He gasped at the dick making its way into him. He moaned in pain and slight discomfort when Preston bottomed out.

He waited patiently for Max to get used to it, the younger moving his hips when he was ready. Preston jerked his hips up, a moan coming out of Max. He did it again, Max becoming jelly on top of him. He screwed his eyes shut, mouth open, pretty moans escaping his lips.

"Fucking... gah Preston, hell...." He gasped. Preston pulled him down for a kiss, which Max accepted, quickly deepening it.

Preston kept thrusting into is boyfriend, brushing against his prostate, Max moaning loudly into the kiss.

Poor David. Really hope he left the house or something.

Preston made it his goal to hit that spot every thrust up, Max getting louder, a small line of drool leaving his mouth. A string of explicits left the mouths of both boys.

Max held onto his partner's shoulders, drowning in the ecstasy.

Preston harshly grabbed Max's hips, holding onto them as he mercilessly fucked the other male.

"Fuck, Pres, 'm close..." Max muttered though moans, his eyes screwed shut.

"Go ahead, baby." Preston said rubbing a section of Max's thigh before giving it a firm slap, Max almost, almost climaxing then and there. Preston smirked, aiming a trust to his prostate, another slap to his thigh....

Max nearly screamed as he came. "Fuck!"

He clenched around Preston, who followed suit.

They collapsed on the bed next to each other, catching their breaths.

"God, fucking hell Preston, you sure you're a virgin?"

He stayed quiet.


(A/N- Poor David, man.)

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