chapter 1: sleeples nights

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*kier's P.O.V*

I felt something shake my shoulder, trying to wake me up.
"kier, wake up, sir is coming!" ,drew whispered sharply.
"huh" ,i moaned drowsily, while he continued to shake me, and started to giggle.
i felt him lift my head under my chin and pry open one of my eyes.
"ha ha, kier, ha ha wake up!" ,he said slightly louder, until i felt a sharp pain on the side of my face.
"OW" i screamed, "what did you hit me for!?" ,i screamed until i saw sir standing above me with his arms crossed.
"i fell asleep again, didn't i?" ,i asked turning to the others, they all nodded with big grins, and laurence almost bursting with laughter.
"whoops, sorry sir" ,i said looking back up at the teacher.
"just try and get a bit more sleep tonight, alright kier?" ,he said sympathetically, kneeling down and putting his hand on my shoulder.
"yes sir" ,i replied, looking at him through tired eyes, as the teacher stood up and went back to the front of the class.
"mate, this is the third time this week" ,said shane as my eyes started to close again.
"yeah, what have you been up to, you animal" ,said drew jokingly. i sighed
"it's loads of things, my new neighbours keeps on blasting their music, full blast, it's either that or they're...y'know, at the top of their F*CKing voices!" ,i said slowly waking up.
"KIER, I KNOW YOU'RE TIRED BUT MIND YOUR LANGUAGE!" ,I heard sir scream for the other side of the room.
"what, all night?" ,asked drew getting my attention.
"don't be a perv drew, believe me when it's 4 O'clock in the morning and you need to get up at 6, it's not fun" ,i said resting my head back ing my arms.
"why don't you get some..what are they called? noise canceling headphones" ,suggested shane.
"wouldn't that basically be giving in?" ,i said looking up through my fringe.
"then why not go over there and tell them to shut the f*ck up?" suggested drew.
"1) i dought he would be able to hear me. and 2)i saw the bloke when he moved in do i put this nicely? he looks f*cking hard, seriously he is most likely the result of a gorilla and a howler monkey!" ,I screamed evn more agitated about the subject at hand.
"he can't be that bad, i mean he wouldn't hit you" ,said laurence confidently.
"mate, he looks like he could swallow a great dane whole, i don't think he would mind kicking the sh*t out of a 14 year old" ,i said slightly calmer but still irritant.
"why don't you give him a taste of his own medicine? intead of having band practice at my place, let's have it at yours, even better, in your room, amps on full throttle" ,said drew getting excited.
"THAT IS...not actually a bad idea" ,i said thinking about his idea. "alright, let's do it, you lot walk home with me after school, we'll have band practice at my place" ,i concluded now feeling excited to finally get some sleep.

4. A.M

I pullled my pillow over my ears trying to at least block out some of the music that was blaring through the wall, until i lost it, i got to my knees and started hammering on the wall as loud as i could.
 "GIVE IT A REST WILL YOU! IT'S 4 O'CLOCK IN THE F*CKING MORNING!" ,I screamed as i continued to hammer on the wall, making some dents in the wallpaper.
They didn't hear me so i pulled my covers over my head and screamed into my pillow.
i'd had enough, i climbed out of bed and felt the morning chill hit my bare legs, it was the summer so i was only wearing a pair of shorts.
i padded over to my door and wrenched it open so it hit the wall and bounced off hitting my in the back of the legs.
i walked through the hallway, into my parents room where they were both sitting up reading.
"what are you doing up sweetie?" ,my mum asked softly.
"It's that fu...flipping music next door" ,i said still drowsy.
"I'll go over and talk to them tomorrow, good save by the way" ,my dad said walking over to me, "but try and get some sleep son, you've got school tomorrow" ,he saw i was starting to fall asleep so he put his hand on my shoulder and lead me back into my room.
i sat on top of my covers and brought my knees up to my chest, knowing i wouldn't sleep again tonight, once my dad had gone i got back out of bed and made my way downstairs, i knew my mum kept some horlicks drink things in the top cupboard, i took one of the big wooden chairs from under the table and steadied it just under the cupboard.
i reached up for the small box containing the horlicks and jumped off the chair, stumbling as i landed.
I picked up a mug from the counter and boiled the kettle while pouring in the powder.
once i had finished, i switched off the light and quickly made my way upstairs, spilling some of the drink on my toes.
i got to my door, switched on my lamp, switched off my bedroom light and put in my headphones, unsuccessfully trying to block out the sound. then "did i remember to put that chair back?" ,i asked myself looking at an avenged sevenfold poster infront of my bed.


The bell went just as i was starting to fall asleep again, "aaagghh! oh god, what have we got next?" ,i asked quietly looking at drew through tired eyes.
"umm, nothing mate, that was last lesson" ,he said hiding a pen the teacher let him borrow in his pocket and putting his rucksack over one shoulder.
i did the same and walked towards the door until i was shocked by and arm coming around my shoulders.
"so we still up for pracitce at your place?" ,laurence asked as we walked through the door, nearly getting stuck, "huh, yeah mate, i really need some sleep, i've tried everything, horlicks, calm music, i've tried everything but sleeping pills, but that's obviously a last resort" ,i said quietly and started giggling as laurence started singing, "cut my life into peices" then i joined him, "THIS IS MY LAST RESORT, SUFFICATION, NO BREATHING, DON'T GIVE A F*CK! IF I CUT MY ARM BLEEDING" ,We both screamed the f*ck.
(this was last resort by papa roack if you were wondering).
we all met up outside the school gates and started singing again, only this time i started, "shhh...quiet, you might p*ss somebody off" ,then the others joined in" LIKE ME MOTHERF*CKER YOU'VE BEEN AT IT FOR TOO LONG" ,Then back on my own because they didn't know the rest, "WHILE YOU FEED OFF OTHERS' INSECURISTIES, YOU STAND IN FRONT OF ME AND BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS!" ,Until drew joined in again for the lower parts, "self-righteousness is wearing thin" ,he sand quietly, then me and laurence screamed, "LIES INSIDE YOUR HEAD YOUR BEST FRIEND!" ,Then drew again quietly with, "hearts bleed but not for fellow men" ,then laurence screamed, "BROKEN GLASS, YOUR FAKE REFLECTION!" ,Then i made my voice higher and screamed at the top of my voice, "i've had enough it's time for something real, i don't respect the words you're speaking, GONE TOO FAR, A CLONE!" ,The others stopped and stared at me, laurence almost exploding with laughter yet again.
"what?!" ,i said with a giggle
"how the f*ck did you do that!" ,screamed drew, typical potty mouth.
"do what?" ,i giggled again.
"make your voice like that" ,he said making his voice as squeeky as possible.
"i don't know i just have a high voice" ,i said quietly, starting to feel selfconcious.
"come on, you lot know how far away my house is, it'll take us half an hour if we take the shortcut" ,i said feeling tired again.
"no rush" said laurence confidently, "this is fun anyway, so should we carry on this song or start a new one?" ,said laurence eager to hear me sing again.
"let's start another one, i forgot where we were on the last one" ,i lied trying to save myself the embarassment of having to sing the high parts again.
"alright, afterlife?" ,he suggested, i was fine with afterlife, it was the first A7X song i heard.
"umm, how about gunslinger?" ,suggested drew, "i love that song" we both said in sync.
"how about bat country?" ,suggested shane, i stepped in, "right, to aviode and argument, rock is afterlife, paper is gunslinger, scissors is bat country, when we match, in the order the matches go is the order of the songs go" ,me and laurence did this, first it was gun slinger (yes!), next was afterlife and then bat country.
drew started gunslinger as he had the deepest voice (believe it or not).


hi guys, this is the first chapter of this, so...hope you like it, Fearless Vampire Killers are my favourite band and i always writing fanfics about them and this is just one of my favourites, (the others aren't that great, to be honest nor is this one, but it's your opinion, so i hope you like it :) ) the two songs in this were last resort by papa roach and critical aclaim by avenged sevenfold, don't ask how i remembered all those lyrics, i'm just weird like that :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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