chapter 1

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"Are you sure you want to give that to him?" A blonde haired male asked as he placed his tray down onto the lunch table, eyeing the the bag of chips in his best friend's hands.

"Yes I do! He will like me back soon I can feel it, Renjun!" A bubbly chocolate haired male told his best friend Renjun, setting his tray down on the table.

"But Hyuck-"

"I'll be right back!" Donghyuck cut the older off and skipped over to the other side of the cafeteria as Renjun sighed while taking a seat on the bench.

Lee Donghyuck had just turned sixteen over summer break and he always wears a smile on his face no matter the day. Rarely anyone ever sees him frown or cry, not even his best friend Renjun who's been friends with him since they were toddlers. The younger has always found it easier to make someone smile than to make someone sad because let's be honest. Who even wants to make anyone sad? Donghyuck wants the people he loves and cares for to smile and be happy all the time.

But of course, that can't always happen.

Donghyuck had grown up in a loving home with a mother and father who cares for him dearly, displaying endless amounts of attention. People often see the younger as being spoiled since he is an only child, but anybody who has known him long enough would know that is not the case. The honey skinned male earned what he has today and he walks proudly with his achievements.

Besides, whenever Donghyuck gets the chance to he always shares what he earns with people, especially his best friend. Donghyuck loves his best friend as the older has always been there for him through everything. Their relationship is something he would never want to tear apart. He was like an older brother Donghyuck never had and he will forever cherish him, even though their only a few months apart age wise.

The problem with Donghyuck is that he gives too much. Now, giving a lot isn't necessarily a bad thing, but giving it to people who don't appreciate what you have done for them is another story. It could be just as little to showing them attention or making them smile by greeting them, to as big as lending a person some money if they need it. Renjun has argued sometimes with Donghyuck about that, saying that people might start to take advantage of him because once you give someone or show someone attention two or three times, they are going to expect it everyday. But does he listen to his best friend? Not really, no.

And that's what Donghyuck tends to do, mainly with his crush he's had since junior high school, Mark Lee.

Mark Lee was a couple months older than him. Him and Donghyuck are both in the same grade along with Renjun as well, that grade being eleventh. Donghyuck never really understood why Mark stayed to himself most of the time and often wore a frown on his face. But it was all the more reason for Donghyuck to walk up to him to make him smile.

It started off as a mission in seventh grade, wanting to make the older smile everyday but he hasn't really succeeded. But as time grew and passed by, Donghyuck realized by freshman year that he has grown a strong liking for the older where as each time he sees Mark he blushes immensely and his stomach feels like butterflies are living in him. The only time he walks up to Mark is during lunch which is to always giving him something whether it be a snack or candy. And sometimes he does so on the bus as well.

Yes, Donghyuck may seem very outgoing with such a bubbly personality, but when it comes to Mark the younger suddenly becomes shy. When he spots the older walking through the hallways, he watches through the crowd of people as a smile sketches on his face. Call it creepy or whatever, but Donghyuck loves how enticing his life is, feeling as if he were in an actual movie and himself and Mark were the main characters.

The younger always talks about Mark to his best friend most of the day and sometimes Renjun just wants to plunge his ears out, having been listening the same things over and over again like as if Donghyuck was a broken record player. The older loves his best friend to pieces, but sometimes he believes the younger gets too carried away with his feelings.

Save Your Tears For Another Day ⟨Markhyuck⟩||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now