chapter 19

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Donghyuck was frozen. He didn't know what to say. It wasn't like he was against it, he was just taken by surprise and he was scared of the responsibility that comes with having a newborn sibling.

"Didn't you hear me, Donghyuck? I'm pregnant and you're going to be a big brother!" His mother cheered again only for Donghyuck to stare at his parents huge smiles on their face.

"Oh, congratulations?" Was all Donghyuck could spit out and goes up to his room before he says something he will regret later on, leaving the two adults staring at each other with perplexity.

Donghyuck was normally a happy, cheerful person who always enjoyed learning and discovering new things. But recently, Donghyuck has been in some sort of slump that his parents had picked up on. He hasn't worn a genuine smile in front of them in quite a while so they thought maybe sharing the news that they were having another child would bring back their delighted ball of sunshine.

But it didn't.

Instead it kind of made Donghyuck upset, not at the fact that his mother was pregnant. But at the fact that they kept it hidden from him when it clearly seems like she was due any week now. Why were they waiting so long to tell him? Did they think he'd be disappointed?

If anything, Donghyuck doesn't really care. All the tanned male is going to do is take care of and love his newborn sibling with everything he has.

Until then, Donghyuck isn't too happy with the whole situation. He's starting to feel upset at the fact that he could be so dense and oblivious to people's feelings and behaviors. It bothered him.

He stepped back out of his room, making sure he had his phone and keys. As he was about to make his way out of the front door, his father stopped him.

"Are you not happy about this?" He asked the young teenaged boy and Donghyuck shook his head.

"It's not that, I'm just shocked. That's all," the boy let a warm small smile form on his lips. "I'm happy but I want to go to Renjun right now. Can I?"

"I understand. Go ahead, be back before dinner time," He told his son as Donghyuck nodded and left the house, knocking on the door right next to his.

The door was opened by Renjun's mother who happily let Donghyuck inside. The boy kicked of his slippers and made his way to Renjun's room, knocking on the door.


"It's me. Can I come in?" Donghyuck said and the door immediately opened, revealing a stressed teen, his hair completely disheveled from grabbing it.

"Woah, did you get into a fight with the neighbor's cat?" Donghyuck asked as he stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

"Haha very funny," Renjun sarcastically answered. "This stupid chemistry lab report is ticking me off. Why did I agree to take AP Chem?" The older whined as Donghyuck brushed through Renjun's messy hair with his fingers.

"It wasn't bad. I finished it during class," Donghyuck looked at the worksheet on Renjun's desk.

"Lucky you," Renjun huffed.

"I can help you if you want," Donghyuck suggested.

"Yes please! That would be great because- wait a minute. What the hell happened to your eyes? They're red." Renjun observed, grabbing the younger's cheeks with his hands to take a closet look. "Hyuck, were you crying?"

The younger just shrugged his shoulders and removed Renjun's hands from his face. He threw himself on the older's bed while staring up at the ceiling. He wasn't crying, but when he gets upset, his eyes water.

"My mom's pregnant," the younger told him and Renjun's jaw dropped.

"I'm not an only child anymore. I don't feel angry but I also don't feel happy at the same time. I'm not sure why," he continued.

"Channie..." Renjun took a seat next to Donghyuck on the bed before continuing. "A lot has happened recently and you're probably feeling overwhelmed by it all, which is understandable."

"Do you remember how Mark was with his little brother?" Donghyuck brought up and Renjun rolled his eyes at the mentioned name and nodded.

"He seems to treat him really well and take care of him. He's so caring towards him, if only he were that way with me," Donghyuck scoffed at his own words. "He may have been a dick to me, but I want to be like him with the way he treats his brother. I want to be as caring for my sibling just like him. But I'm scared. What if I mess up? It what if the baby won't like me?"

"Donghyuck, you can't compare yourself to him. You don't know how he's like when we're not around. You're going to be best big brother any sibling could ask for. The baby is going to love you with all their heart and look up to you," Renjun said.

"But I don't want to be the oldest. I don't want the baby to look up to me. I want to be the youngest because it's stress-free. It was just you and me. You were always there for me in the way a big brother figure would and you'd always help me fix and understand my mistakes. What if I won't be able to do that?" Donghyuck worried.

"You're going to be just fine, I promise. You're already maturing greatly and there are a lot of times where you help me in the same ways I do for you. Don't doubt yourself, okay?" Renjun reassured him and the younger nodded his head reluctantly.

"Great, now can you help me with this stupid lab report?!" Renjun asked and Donghyuck giggled at his best friend.


The majority of you guys have voted for a Chenji book next! And to those who voted Markhyuck, no worries at all! I will be publishing that book after the new one (or maybe at the same time, I haven't decided about that part yet)! Thank you all for your feedback! It was very much appreciated.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a great day/night 💕

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