Chapter 8

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I woke up with pain in my ribs and lungs. The pain felt like I was stabbed and the wound felt deep. I was about to open my eyes when I heard talking. I decided to listen and act like I was asleep.

"When should she wake up?" It was Anthony.

"In a few minutes. The medicine doesn't last long." The voice didn't sound familiar.

"The surgery went well?"

"Yes. We stopped the bleeding. She will have to take medicine to help her lungs heal. It was very dangerous because she has asthma and there was a chance she could have an asthma attack."

"Her asthma attacks are very rare. She only gets them when she is scared. I'm surprised she didn't get one. She looked terrified."

"I'm surprised as well. She was strong. But her breathing isn't as well as we want it to be."


"She could stop breathing at any moment. Her lungs are weak and need time to heal, but that doesn't mean that the medicine will work or they will heal in time."

"So, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that there is a slight chance that she could..."

"I understand."

"We will have to keep her here for a while. But other than that her ribs are okay. They should heal sometime soon."

"Okay. Sorry about before. I just saw her terrified face and I just..."

"It's fine. We get that all the time. Don't worry about it."

I choose now to open my eyes.

I looked at Anthony and the doctor. "I could die?"

They looked surprised by my sudden outburst.

The doctor looked at Anthony, "I'll go get Ian and leave you guys alone."

The doctor walked out.

Anthony walked toward me and sat on the bed. He sighed, "There is a chance, but you shouldn't have heard any of that."

"Actually I should have. It's my life we are talking about here."

"I guess you're right, but you shouldn't be told that as soon as you wake up."

"So, I could die. I could just stop breathing at any moment."

"I guess."

I nodded. Knowing that my life could end at any moment is scary. I just got out of being depressed and everything and now this happens.

"I don't want to die Anthony. I'm only fourteen." I felt the tears stream down my cheeks.

He saw the tears and was about to pull me in for a hug, but hesitated. He can't even hug me. Fucking SmoshGames.

"I know Anna."

Ian walked in. He had tears in his eyes. He looked at me and Anthony, "She can't die..."

"She won't." Anthony looked at me and smiled. "She's strong. She'll live."

I knew he didn't believe it. There was more a chance of me dying than living. We know it.

Ian walked over and took a seat in the chair next to the bed. He leaned his head against my arm and Anthony grabbed my hand.

"We'll get through this." Anthony squeezed my hand.

"I hope you're right." I leaned my head back on the pillow. I stared up at the lights. I felt tired but I fought the urge to sleep. What if I don't wake up?

I fought for as long as I could before I couldn't anymore. I fell asleep.

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