Chapter 25

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POV: Anna

We went to a fancy resturant.

I don't know why. It's only breakfest.

A lady lead us to a table and to my surprise, the SmoshGames crew was here.

Even Ian.

Ian looked like crap. He had sacks under his eyes, his hair was sticking up, he was slouched over and looked like he was crying.

He's a mess.

We walked over and said hi. I hugged everyone.

Ian looked up but didn't move from his seat.

I didn't say hi to him. I just sat between Anthony and Mari. Ian across from me.

Ian would look at me, but quickly look away when I look at him. It was starting to get on my nerves.

Anthony seemed to notice cause he connected with me, He doesn't look so good.

"I know. This is making me feel so guilty."

Don't beat yourself up. Kalel told me that Melanie went over last night.

"But he still looks like crap."

I know, but she is trying.

He disconnected and went back to talking with the guys.

I took out my phone and went through Instagram.

Melanie posted a video and tagged me in it.

I watched it.

It was of her talking about Ian. He was saying how he wasn't doing so good. You could hear him crying in the background.

I connected with Anthony, "Instagram. Melanie."

Anthony nodded and excused himself. He took out his phone and looked at the video.

He showed Kalel after watching it.

They both looked at me. I just shook my head and looked at the ground.

I can't do this to him.

I got up from the table and walked outside. I need some air.

I could feel their eyes on me as I walked out.

I heard Anthony excuse himself and follow me.

I sat outside, on the curb.

Anthony sat next to me. He took a deep breath, "So, what are you thinking?"

I shook my head, "I can't do this to him. I mean, if he is this bad now. Imagine what it will be like if I leave him. We'll get a call from Melanie or the hospital that he's there."

Anthony looked down, "I understand if you don't want to come..."

"Anthony, I don't want to lose you. But I also don't want to but Ian's life on the line by leaving."

"It's your decision, Anna. But remember, I will love you no matter what you choose."

He gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked back inside.

I sat on the curb somemore. Thinking on what to do.

I think this is the hardest decision I've ever had to make yet.

So my decisions are either to get someone killed and be with my father that I love dearly, or to be heart broken and depressed and save a life.

I don't want to lose Anthony.

Or Ian.

I walked back inside after a while. I still had no idea on what to do.

I may have told Kalel that i'll move with them. But I still don't have a decision.

When I sat down, no one asked me any questions. They just looked at me for a little bit before going back to talking.

Ian kept staring at me.

I looked at him and made eye contact.

He gave me the saddest look. But that quickly changed when he looked at Anthony. He then gave him an evil look.

He looked back at me, "You're going with him, aren't you."

Anthony and Kalel looked over. The others kept talking.

I nodded.

He shook his head, "Of course you would. He was always your favorite."


"Why woudn't you want to live with him?"


"Might as well marry him at this point!"


I stood up and slammed my fist on the table. The table cracked in half and collasped on the ground.

Everyone was now looking at me.

I looked around. People had a mad look on their faces.

Ian smirked, "Great job Anna. Always ruining the day."

I ran outside, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Before I ran out. I turned back.

Anthony was infront of Ian. Yelling in his face.

Then, out of nowhere, Anthony punched him in the face and kept going.

Everyone ran over to get Anthony off of him. People were video taping.

I covered my mouth with my hand. This was horrifying.

What will happen now? Will Smosh end? Are Ian and Anthony going to be best buds again?

What ever happens, it's going to be all my fault.

What have I done?

What will happen with Smosh now? Will it keep going or will it end? You'll find out in the next chapter. I'll see you then =)

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