Chapter 13

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*Third Person POV *

Sherlock stood in the middle of the living room awkwardly.

"Come sit down, Hun." Destiny's mother, Carey said. Sherlock walked to Destiny's chair, and sat down.

"So, you've been dating our sister for, how long?" Amnesty asked, and he looked at her.

"A month." He said confidently, and everyone looked at each other. Having a secret conversation that Sherlock couldn't understand.

"Ok, if Destiny were to get sick, like close to dying sick, what would you do?" Lexy asked and Sherlock turned his gaze to her.

"I would take care of her until she got better." He said, and everyone nodded.

"If she got kidnapped, and tortured again. What would you do?" Devin asked and Sherlock cringed at the thought of Destiny getting kidnapped, and tortured again.

"I would spend every hour trying to find her, and as soon as I did, I would go and save her." He answered truthfully.

"What would you do if the torturer was still in the room?" Brittany asked, and Sherlock turned towards her.

"I would gladly kill him. And if it was a girl, I would capture her, and have Destiny kill her." He said, and Amnesty stood up, and shook his hand.

"Welcome to the family, Sherlock." She said and sat back down.

"Definitely in the family." Donald said and everyone nodded.

"That's the best answer any of her boyfriend's have said." Devin said, and Sherlock glanced at him and smiled.

"Ok, I got, well, Mrs Hudson and John, have the cookies!" Destiny exclaimed as she walked into the room.

"Destiny, you better watch out. Your parents are going to steal Sherlock and you, and take you back to New York." Mary said, and Destiny laughed.

"As long as I'm with him, then by all means." She said as she sat on the arm rest of her chair.

*Destiny's POV*

After I sat on the armrest of my chair, I was yanked back up.

"Come on, Desi. Time to start shopping and planning for your wedding." Lexy said as she dragged me.

"Um, no. How do you know I'm getting married? Maybe I'll be like Mom and Dad." I said as I wobbled back to the armrest.

"What do you mean?" John asked and smiled.

"Well, my parents aren't married. They're boyfriend and girlfriend." I said and saw a look of surprise cross John's face.

"Wow. How long have you two been together?" John politely asked, and my Mom smiled.

"For 39 years. Just recently added another year in November." She said and John smiled.

"Talking about wedding planning. Mary! As soon as I get this man right here," I said as I patted Sherlock's hand.

"To let me start doing things on my own, we're going to start planning." I said and she nodded.

"Mary! You never told us that you got engaged!" Ammy exclaimed and Mary chuckled.

"Sorry." She said and we all chuckled.

"So, John. We got to question Sherlock, now it's your turn." Donald said and I sighed.

"No you don't. John is the perfect man for Mary. He takes such good care of her." I said and everyone "awwed". John grabbed Mary's hand and smiled.

"You guys are so cute." Brittany told them.

"Thank you." John said as he smiled at her.

"Do you guys have a song yet?" Devin asked, and I saw he was asking Sherlock and I. I glanced at Sherlock and he shrugged.

"No? Not yet." I chuckled and Devin tilted his head.

"That's a real surprise. You usually have a song for you and your lover." Devin said and I shook my head.

"I've been in the hospital. I haven't had time to listen to music." I chuckled and Devin smiled.

"Um, the closest song that I can think of for us..." I said, as I bit my lip, thinking of what songs I've listened to.

"Freak Like Me." I said.

"The one by Halestorm?" Lexy asked and I nodded.

"We both get called freaks. But don't worry, I'll find a different song." I said as I saw everyone's facial expressions were surprised.

"People call Sherlock a freak?" Mason asked and I looked at Sherlock. He was looking at his lap, not wanting to face anyone.

"Sadly, yes. They do." I said as I squeezed his hand. He didn't meet my gaze. Suddenly my mom stood up, and grabbed Sherlock's hands. He looked up at her, but she pulled him up, and into a hug. She whispered something, and he laughed, and hugged her back. I quickly took my phone out, and took a couple of pictures. My mom squeezed him, and backed up. She sat back down, and so did Sherlock. He looked up at me and smiled.

"So, now it's an awkward silence." Lexy said and I looked at her and smirked.

"Destiny! Don't you dare!" She said and I shrugged like I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Oh, Lexy. Did you know... that awkward turtles make awkward babies?" I asked and she shot up and started to chase me. I got up, and limped/walked as fast as I could go. I was laughing, and trying to get around my counter in the kitchen.

"Lexy, you should think about this. I'm injured, and you should be nice." I laughed as I walked around the counter, and back to the living room. As I was walking backwards, I was grabbed. I looked up and saw Sherlock.

"Oh, that's not cool!" I said as Lexy got closer.
"You betrayed me!" I said dramatically as Lexy started to tickle me. I was trying to wiggle out of Sherlock's grip, but I couldn't. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and I looked behind me, since Lexy stopped tickling me. Sherlock let go of my wrists, and I picked up my cane, and walked to the door as everyone was starting to calm down from laughing. I opened the door, and came face to face with Sarah.

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