I will always love you

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"ahhh!" Red/Tord was screaming while going through a portal, "foo! Ouch! that hurt!" Red said, "hey Tord! are you ok?" Tom asked Red, (in case you don't know Red is sort for Red leader) "I'm ok, but why am I here? & where am I?!" Red asked Tom, "I'll get you out of there! I promise" Tom said, "ok, guess I'll just wait...." Tom teleported to another world! "now all I have to do is find Tord- oooh what is this? Kittens! so cute! they're worth staving" Tom said, "I guess you don't care about me do you?"  Red asked Tom, "what?! no! I do love yo-" Tom was cut off, "you can cut the atc I already know the truth, how could have I've been so stupid? of course you don't care about me! you've hated me for years! why would you care about me now?" Red said, "no, Tord, that's in the past! I don't hate you anymore!" Tom said, "oh, really? tell me what if you have a choice between me & kittens what would you choose?" Red said, "I'd Choose You because I care about you" Tom said, "you're just saying that to make me feel better, well, you aren't fooling me! I already know the truth, I'm just gonna go, (oh no!) ahhhhhhh!!! no no! {hrk} what are you doing to me?! -I'm not doing anything!- please stop- {hrk} mmmm!! the pain hurts! {hrk} ahhhhhhh!!! {hrk} {Breathing heavily} now I look hideous......." Red said, "no, Tord you don't look hideous you look cute-" Tom was cut off, "oh, shut up! you know I look hideous! +0_0+ hmm..... maybe these wings would be of use to me, {flies up} huh would you look at that! goodbye Tom! {flies away} hmm hmm hmm" Red said, "no no wait Tord! ugh, why do we have to do this the hard way? {flies up & grabs Red's leg} I didn't mean what I said!" Tom said, "what are you doing Tom? Get off my leg! why aren't you listening to me?! I said get off my leg! {shakes Tom off his leg} bye Tom! {flies away} (why was he hanging on to my leg? Does he really care about me? no, that's complete nonsense! He would never care about me!) but what if he does? Maybe I should go see, wait, no! I already know the truth, I don't even know why I believed that he cared about me, {flies away} no matter!" Red said, "what have I done? I need to fly up into the sky!" Tom said, as flyed up into the sky, he found Red sitting on a Mountain, (it feels a bit weird sitting like a animal) Red said in his mind, "Tord come down here!" Tom said, "huh? oh, it's just you, why are you up here? & how did you get up here? & most importantly what the heck do you want?!" Red asked Tom, "one, I'm up here to talk to you, two, I flyed up here, three, I wanted to talk to you" Tom said, "talk to me huh? well, I don't want to talk to you! So just go!" Red yelled at Tom, "Tord! come down here right now!" Tom yelled a bit to Red, "ugh, fine, {flies down} happy?" Red asked Tom, "yes" Tom said, "so why do you want to talk to me?" Red asked Tom, "because I love you Tord" Tom said, "what do you want to say?" Red asked Tom, "I just wanted to say....I love you & sorry for what I said about those kittens" Tom said, "you....love me?" Red asked Tom, "yes I do" Tom said, "now you're just talking nonsense! why would anyone love a monster like me?" Red asked Tom, "Tord, you're not a monster, you're a demon, a sweet demon, & I love you" Tom said, Red pushed him away "why do you love me?" Red asked Tom, "because you're not the only demon in the house remember?" Tom asked Red, "I forgot that you're a demon too! oh my gosh! {hugs Tom} I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for not believing you! I'm so sorry!" Red was crying, "it's ok Tord, I forget you"  Tom said, "thank you so much Thomas!" Red said, "no problem now let's get out of here" Tom said, "ok!" Red said, they both teleported back home..............end of part 3

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