unexpected changes

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it has been a few years since Tord come back, Tom is sharing his room with Tord, one day...Tord felt like being alone for a while he didn't know why he's just felt like it, a few hours of just chilling in a dark room, Tord started to feel weird, "ahhh!! Why do I suddenly feel pain?" Tord said, he looked down at his hands & saw that his hands had changed, "what the heck is happening to me?" Tord said, "ahhh!!! my lags they're changing!" Tord said, as his legs were turning into hind legs, "ahhh!!! what the?! horns now?! am I turning into a demon like Tom?" Tord said, he got on the ground "ahhhhhhh!!!!" Tord screamed, wings came out of his back, Tord passed out, he woke up, he didn't know what happened to him at first, "ugh.....what happened?" Tord said, then he looked at his hands & remembered what happened, "I'm-I'm-I'm a demon!" Tord said in shock, he started crying, then he heard something, "Tord? are you in there?" A familiar voice said, Tord recognize the voice as Tom, "yea-yeah, I'm in here" Tord said, nervously, (please don't come in) Tord said in his mind, "can I come in?" Tom asked, "no, don't come in here!" Tord said, running to the door & putting his hand on it, "why can't I come in?" Tom asked Tord, "because I look hideous now" Tord said, "can you just let me come in please?" Tom asked Tord, "why do you want to come in so badly?" Tord asked Tom, "because I'm really worried about you Tord, you've been in that room for a hour & I want to see what happened" Tom said, (oh no, I don't want him to worry more) Tord said, in his mind, looking at his hand, "fine, I'll let you in" Tord said, "think you" Tom said, "hold on.....now you can come in" Tord said, happily, "ok, I'm coming in" Tom said, Tord heard the door opening, "Tord, why do you have wings?" Tom asked Tord, "ummm......" Tord couldn't think of what to say, "whatever, I'll sit down right beside you" Tom said, as he walked in, & sit down beside Tord, Tord was covering the rest of body with his wings, "why don't you look at me?" Tom asked Tord, "because I look so hideous now" Tord said, still covering his body with his wings, "you're acting like Matt" Tom said, jokingly, "did you just call me a drama queen?!" Tord shouted angrily, "you're-you're a demon now?!" Tom said, surprised, "yes, I understand if you're scared of me no-" Tord was cut off by Tom smiling, "yay! I'm not the only demon in this house anymore!" Tom said, excitedly, Tord was confused "you...like this?" Tord asked Tom, "yeah! I used to feel so alone....but now I'm not because you're a demon too now!" Tom said, very excitedly, "umm..I guess I'll give it a try" Tord said, "yay!" Tom said, Tom & Tord left the house.............
"woah! Tord where are you taking me?" Tom asked Tord, Tord was just having a good time flying in the sky with Tom holding his hand, "you said you wanted to have fun right?" Tord asked Tom, "well, yeah" Tom said, "then just enjoy it!" Tord said, happily, "heh...ok I'll enjoy it" Tom said, "that's the spirit!" Tord said, after a hour of just flying in the sky Tom Heard something, "ummm....Tord? Do you hear that?" Tom asked Tord, Tord listen to the sound, "yes, I do" Tord said, "but were is it coming from?"  Tord added on, "it sounds like it's coming from over there!" Tom said, listening to the sound, "what the- how the- how are you floating?!" Tord yelled & also asked Tom, "did you forget that I'm possessed by a demon?" Tom asked Tord, "oh, heh heh....I might have forgotten that for a while, heh heh...sorry" Tord said, "it's ok" Tom said, "think you" Tord said, "you're welcome.....now let's go see what's going on over there!" Tom shouted energetically, "ok Thomas!" Tord said, happily,"oh, sor-sorry I didn't mean to say tha-" Tord was cut off, "I don't mind it" Tom said, "you...don't mind it?" Tord asked Tom, " I mean, that is my real name, why would I hate it?" Tom asked Tord, " I'm pretty sure I remember you getting mad at me for accidentally calling you Thomas" Tord said, trying not to laugh, "that was a bit silly of me was it?" Tom said, "heh heh, Yeah! That was a bit silly of you" Tord agreed, "now let's see what's going on down there!" Tom said, "ok Thomas!" Tord said, happily, again, Tom flyed down Tord flyed down after him, they both landed on a tree and sat on it, Tord was sitting like an animal while Tom was sitting normally, "why are you sitting like an animal?" Tom asked Tord, "ok, first of all, we're half animals, second, have you seen what my legs look like now?" Tord asked Tom, pointing to his legs, "are they....bent?" Tom asked Tord, "that's because they're not normal legs anymore, they're now hind legs that's why they're bent" Tord said, "oh, so that's why you're sitting like an animal?" Tom asked Tord, "how am I supposed to sit normally with hind legs?" Tord asked Tom, "true" Tom said......."have you realized that your voice has changed?" Tom asked Tord, "it...did? {gasp} it did!" Tord yelled, "shhh! You don't want them to hear us do you?" Tom asked Tord, "sorry, I can't believe it I sound like a monster!" Tord said, he started crying again, "no no Tord you do not sound like a monster" Tom said, "you.....don't think I'm a monster?" Tord asked Tom, "I know you're not a monster, & if you were a monster you would be a good monster" Tom said, "think you Thomas" Tord said, "you're welcome Tord" Tom said, "stop! I'm not a monster!" Tom & Tord both heard a little girl said, they both looked down & saw two Hunters trying to kill a little girl, "she looks like a wolf" Tord said, "or maybe she is a wolf" Tom said, "maybe..." Tord said, as he looked up at the sky... "{gasp} ummm...Tom?" Tord said, "yes Tord?" Tom asked Tord, "did you looked at the sky when we were flying?" Tord asked Tom, "no, why?" Tom asked Tord, "well...you might want to look at the sky" Tord said, pointing at the full moon that was in the sky, "why what's so interesting about the- is that a..." Tom said, "yep, it's a full moon" Tord said, "does that mean that that little girl is a....werewolf?!" Tom asked Tord, "I'm pretty sure that's what it means" Tord said, "oh no, then those must be werewolf Hunters!" Tom said, "why is that even a job?" Tord asked Tom, "who knows why it's a job?!" Tom Shouted,  they both flyed down from the tree "hey! Leave the Girl Alone!" Tom &  Tord said, "why? can't you see that she's a monster-" Ray was cut off by looking at Tom & Tord but mostly Tord, "half cat person, get away from that monster!" Ray said to Tom, "Tord is my friend why would I want to get away from him?" Tom asked Ray, Ray started laughing, "oh, you can't be serious you can't be friends with a monster" Jay said, "I'm not a monster!" Tord yelled at Jay, "they all say that" Ray said, "that's it! I can't take it anymore!" Tom said, "Tom no!" Tord said, "what's happening to him?" Ray asked Tord, "oh, why do you care? you don't even know him!" Tord said, "but I do" Tord added, "why do you care about him? you're a monster you're not supposed to care!" Jay asked Tord, "is that what you think about monsters? that they heartless ugly creatures?" Tord asked Ray & Jay, "that's because they are" Ray said, "not ALL monsters are like that! some monsters are good, also not ALL werewolves cannot control themselves, some werewolves can control themselves" Tord said, "you're just saying that because you know it isn't true" Jay said, "yea-yeah it-it isn't true" Ray said, "Ray? are you ok?" Jay said, "I can't hold it back anymore!" Ray said, he went through the same process that Tord did it also looks like it was painful, Ray passed out after his transformation was done, "Ra-Ray was a demon this entire time?!" Jay said, "you're surprised ain't you?" Tord asked Jay, "I can't believe all this time I was friends with a monster!" Jay said, "Don't Call Him a monster, he would probably be very very upset" Tord said, "I-I-I betrayed the law!" Jay said, who said there was a law about being friends with a demon?" Tord asked Jay, "well....you see humans were teached not to be friends with a "monster" as we call them to be honest I don't even know why we call them that, anyways I always believed not all monsters were evil I believed some were good, & it looks like I was right, because Ray was so nice to me & I didn't even know he was demon" Jay said, "Tom's transformation is almost over!" Tord said, "are you staying that he can turn into a demon too?" Jay said, while picking up Ray, "yes! I think you need to run now before his transformation is complete!" Tord said, "but....will we ever see each other again?" Jay said, "one day we will...now run!" Tord said, "ok, bye!" Jay said, running with holding Ray in arms, "you-you saved me!" Mia said, running to hug Tord, "you're choking me!" Tord said, "whoops, sorry" Mia "it's ok, Now run back to your family little one" Tord said, "ok, thank you sir!" Mia said, "you're welcome" Tord said, 'roar!!! roar roar roar? [were did they go?]" Tom asked Tord, "they left" Tord said, "roar [oh]" Tom said, he turned back to normal form, "we should probably go home Edd would be worried if we don't get home" Tord said, "what about Matt?" Tom asked Tord, "he'd be worried too, now let's go!" Tord said, "ok!" Tom said, they both flyed back home, "we're home!" Tord said, "oh,  hi Tord" Matt said, "hi Matt" Tord said, walking over to the sofa & sat down on it, "woah, you look different what happened to you?" Matt asked Tord, as looked at him, "to be honest I don't really know" Tord said, "huh? {gasp} did..did I heard?' Edd said, "looks like Edd is about to come out of his room" Matt said, "my lovely friend!" Edd said, he ran over to Tord & hugged him, "you're finally back! I was so worried!" Edd said, "hey Edd" Tom said, as walked into the house, "{gasp} Tom!" Edd said, as he ran over to Tom & hugged him, "I love you too Edd" Tom said, "before you ask "why is he in his wolf form?" The reason why is because it's a full moon outside right now" Matt said, "I already know that werewolves only turn into wolves when there's a full moon outside" Tord said, "oh, sorry" Matt said, "it's ok, you didn't know" Tord said, "so should we all go to bed Edd?" Matt said, "I mean, yeah it's late so, let's go to bed" Edd said, as he walked into he his room, "I'll see you tomorrow guys!" Matt said, as he walked towards his room, "well, I guess we should go to sleep too" Tom said, "ok!" Tord said. "wait, can you change back?" Tom asked Tord, "why do you want to know if I can change back or not?" Tord asked Tom, "because I want know if you can or not" Tom said, "ok, here we go" Tord said, as he started to transform back into his normal form, "you can turn back!" Tom said, "hmm I guess I can, that's awesome!" Tord said, "now we can go into our room" Tom said, "ok!" Tord said, they both walked towards their room............end of part 2

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