Chapter Seventeen

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Jade's POV

"Would you ever want to leave this life?" I asked Cole as we lie in bed. I started tracing his toned physique with my fingers. "Eventually yes. It's just hard to get out of it because I'm always going to be a target. I will try for you though" Cole said as he grabbed my hands and kissed them. I smiled and blushed. "Ok.. you're next to ask the question. "I want to know about your family" Cole said. "Don't you already know? I know you do background checks" I said as I rolled my eyes."Yes but it doesn't give me the details" Cole said. "Ah.. so you want the details." I said as I sat up and put my head in my hands and breathed out heavily. "It wasn't the best childhood.. My father was the best man, he could make anyone smile if they were feeling sad. He was an amazing lawyer as well, he helped so many people which is why I wanted to be him when I was older. One spring day when I was eight, it was the worst day of my life.. I remembered seeing it on the news with my mom.. when he was in court, he was defending a dangerous man, Thomas Riddle. I don't know why he chose to defend him.. maybe he thought he was innocent but boy was he wrong." I chuckled bitterly as tears came pouring out.

I didn't know Cole was sat up but He pulled me up in his lap. "You don't have to finish" cole said. "No I need to.." I said as I took a deep breath. "There was so much evidence against Thomas Riddle that my dad could not back up and so he lost the case. But he did not know what would happen next.. he was stabbed in the neck with a pencil by Thomas Riddle and lost so much blood.. Everyone was so afraid that they didn't even help him, they just ran out but the cops shot and killed Thomas right away. By the time they tried saving my dad.. it was too late." I said as more tears flowed out.

"My mom was struggling after 3 months after, my dad died. She got fired from her job because she would always drink and get high. She neglected me and stopped caring about me. I felt so alone! 3 months later, I found her in the bathroom with the bath running and a pool of blood running out the bath tub. There was pill bottles everywhere. She slit her wrists! I ran out to my neighbor and screamed for help but it was too late. She died. I was tossed back and forth to foster care but no one wanted a broken child" I said as I started hysterically crying. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that.. I love you and I will always be here for you!" Cole said as he held on to me tighter.


I was woken up to someone planting kisses on my lips. "Wake up baby" the voice said. I opened my eyes and it was Peter. I smacked him and wiped my lips in disgust. "You will pay for that bitch!" He yelled and smacked me across the face. "I hope you die!" I yelled. He laughed manically. "That prick will never find you, he doesn't even love you. No one does, that's why your mom killed herself" Peter said. I felt my heart pang. "You're wrong" I said softly. "You're nothing, no one cares about you" he said. I felt smaller and smaller.

As Peter continued to belittle me, he did not notice the sounds coming from upstairs. A few minutes later, the door busted open and in came Cole. Peter quickly realized and came up to me with his arm wrapped around my neck and a gun pointed at my head. I cried in fear. "DROP IT OR I WILL FUCKING SHOOT HER!" Peter screamed. "Don't do it Cole, just get out!" I said. "Shut up bitch!" Peter yelled as he pressed the gun into my head and cocked it. I closed my eyes in fear. "Ok, I'll put it down! Jade look at me" Cole said. I opened my eyes and saw Cole lowering down his gun.

Once it was down on the ground, Peter quickly pointed the gun over to Cole and fired as Cole quickly pulled out a gun that he was hiding and shot Peter right in the forehead. Peter fell backwards and his gun clattered on the floor. I quickly fished the keys out of Peter's pockets and unlocked the cuffs. I rushed over to Cole and saw that he was shot in the abdomen. He slowly fell over. I applied pressure to the wound so he wouldn't bleed our. "Somebody help please!!" I screamed. "J-j-jaa-" Cole tried to say. "Shhh don't talk" I said. "I-i love you.. you were the best thing that has came into my life" Cole said as he reached for my cheek. Tears started pouring. "I love you too, so much" I said. Cole's breathing started slowing down as his eyes started to shut. "Help!!" I screamed. Simon came rushing down and my body couldn't take it anymore from my leg wound that I dropped on the on the ground next to Cole. Simon rushed to my side and tried to help me up but I stopped him. "No.. save.. Cole.. his life is more important" I said and I winced in pain. "No! I can't do that!" Simon said. "G-go, it's okay. I'll see my parents. Please tell Cole that I love him and that he was the best thing that has happened to me. Tell him to keep living life and stop being such a grump. Be happy and find a girl to fall in love with" I said. "I'll come back for you Jade" Simon said as he picked up Cole and walked out. My eyes slowly started to close and I was met with darkness.

Hi everyone! Sorry about the wait! My new job has been keeping me busy. I hope you liked this chapter.
I wanted to give Jade's back story more detailed since there was literally none. Please tell me if you liked this chapter or not. This is my first story and want to know if y'all prefer my character background stories to be in the beginning or middle of the story. Story is almost over so comment your favorite part! 💖

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