Chapter Nineteen

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Jade's POV:

Once I finished my story, my mom was at a lost for words. "Mom?" I said. "Sorry honey, I just can't believe that you went through all that. But I'm so glad you found someone you love and who loves you back.." Mom said as she trailed off. "You're holding something back, what's up?" I asked. She sighed in defeat, knowing I was right. "I love you so much but I was hoping to see you when you are old and wrinkly, I wasn't expecting for you to be here so young." Mom said. "What? Mom! I've been waiting and hurting ever since you died!" I said. "I know sweetie, but it looks like you still have a whole life to keep living on. You found your person and he's hurting because you're here and he's not. Do you understand?" Mom said. I thought about everything she said, she was so right. Cole is in my shoes now, I have to get back to him. "I can't leave him alone mom!" I said. All of a sudden, The gates slowly started to close. "Then fight, go! Run" Mom said. I gave her a quick tight hug. "I love you! I'll see you when I'm old and wrinkly" I said as tears started pouring out. Mom giggled and sniffled. "I love you sweetie, go!" Mom said.

I ran to the gate, and barely made it out. Im coming Cole!

Beep.. beep..
"Come on Jade, I love you please don't leave me." Cole said as I felt a tight hold on me. My eyes fluttered open, I saw a beautiful sight. Cole held my hand and had his face pressed down on the bed. "N..n..never" I whispered. Cole perked his head up so quickly. "Oh my god! You're awake" Cole said as he planted kisses all over.  I giggled and then coughed. "Water" I said as I was straining to talk. He grabbed his water bottle and handed it to me. "I'll let the doctor know" Cole said as he pushed the help button. I gulped the water down in 5 seconds.

Once the doctor came in, he gave me the clear to be able to leave tomorrow. "How long was I out for?" I asked. "A week" Cole said, I gasped. "Oh my god! Really?" I said. He nodded and then looked down. He looked so upset. "Come here" I said as I lifted the blanket up and scooted over. Cole carefully came and laid down next to me. We looked into each other's eyes. "I'm so sorry I left you, I'm such a horrible person.." I said as I broke the eye contact. "Dont" Cole said as he cupped his hand on my cheek and pulled my face in to look at him in the eyes. "Dont say that, I'm so happy you're back. I'm the one who should be sorry for not protecting y-" Cole said as I put my finger on his lip to shush him. "I would do it again if it meant protecting you, I love you" I said. "I love you too Jade. So damn much" he said as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

Sorry it's short! Running low on ideas! Hope you liked this chapter! It's coming to an end 😢

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