Calming lunch after morning drama

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Lost House, 9:45am

POV: Y/n
I woke up from loud screaming of two idiots called Alina and Reid
I stood up and kicked my already broken door open
„Why are you two screaming like facking chickens?"
I asked them with a bit boiling anger in my voice.
I don't have anger issues, but I would like to sleep in peace without anyone waking me up.

„She doesn't let me spend time with my friend!"
I could see in Reid's eyes that he doesn't like Alinas and Noah's relationship at all.
He and Noah are best friends since literally ever but since Noah's relationship they never really spend time with each other anymore.
„Well not my fault that your friend is my boyfriend and gives me more attention than you!"
Alina told him with a smirk.
I wish I could smack that smirk out of her face.

Don't get me wrong.
Alina is my dearest friend but she got so bitchy over the past weeks and it's getting on our nerves.
„Then make a threesome with Noah so non of you feel shitty for not getting his attention bruh"
I told them making my way to the kitchen

I can still hear them arguing
As long as they're in a pissed mood I don't want to tell them about the invitation from Mrs. Devil
I need to cheer them up somehow
„Do you make breakfast today y/n?"
I heard Elinas sleepy voice behind me
„Yeah, what do you for breakfast?"
She said loudly with a childish shine in her eyes
I chuckled and started to make them

It's hard to make muffins with a broken and not working kitchen but with some fire it's going good.
It could be also the best way to cheer them up hopefully
„I smell muffins"
It was Noah standing on the door and making his way to the table

As the muffins were ready and everything sat on the table I thought it would be time to tell them what happened yesterday.
I mean now or never.
„So umm... I have something to tell you guys"
Reid asked with his mother full of muffins while Noah and Elina looked to me confused and Alina in disgust to Reid.
„I have a meeting with Mrs. Devil next week"
I breathed out
„Did she noticed us?"
„Are we fucked now?"
They all started to panic a little
„No guys chill. She asked me if I want to work for her. She thinks that I'm really talented and so she wants me to come over by some tea"
„OMG THAT'S GREAT! You can finally be a designer and even work for your idol!"
Elina said happy while the boys gave me a proud smile
Just Alina didn't seem alright with it
„What does that mean now?"
Alina asked bitchy
„That her dreams come true duh!"
Reid answered her and Elina nodded agreeing
„So you will simply leave us behind?!"
She said now angry and hits her fist on the table
My eyes widen as I watched her anger growing
I don't know how to answer
I don't know yet if I will stay here or if I even get the job for sure
„I don't know how things will be but I don't have the job yet so let's think about that when I have it for sure. But I would never leave you guys completely behind"
I told her softly and stand up to hug her

But she pushed me away and locked her self in her and Noah's room.
Reid gave me his hand to stand up and I took it while still looking to the door she slammed close some seconds ago.

I knew that at least someone would be mad but not that mad.
„She will calm down again, don't worry y/n"
Noah told me putting a hand on my shoulder
I just keep my gaze to the door and then down to my feet.
I know that things between me and Alina aren't great anymore but damn...

I decided to go on a walk in Londons streets.
I watched all these people walking pass me, chatting or shopping
I sat down on a bench and keep watching all these strangers
I'm so weird for watching strangers like a psycho

But anyways I repeated in my head the situation from today's morning.
They all were ok with my meeting, just Alina wasn't. And she is actually the first one who always supports me.
We got so distant and I just don't get why

I got distracted from my thoughts as I saw a familiar woman walk out of a store at the other street side.
I felt my heart bumping louder
Every step she made just looked so graceful and perfect
I had the feeling to hear my own heart beat in my ears
How her white and black looks jumped up and down by every elegant movement
Ok wow my heart beating doesn't feel normal anymore
I thought while putting my hand on my chest
I watched how Cruellas smirk grew as she saw me

She crossed elegant the street walking towards me
Panic slowly over came me
I don't know what do to
I look like trash right now fuck
I should have fresh up myself before going out if I would have known that I would see her today, but that's to late
I could feel how I started nervously sweating
How embarrassing

„Hello Darling. Didn't think to see you here."
She said to me still with that beautiful smirk in her pale face
„H-hey Mrs. Devil"
I said with a nervous stutter
God y/n get your fucking self together!
I thought and could feel my cheeks heat up just like last night

„How are you my darling?"
„I'm good and what about you Mrs. Devil?"
I smiled back to her ignoring my still racing heart
„I'm feeling good for my situation"
Her situation?
„Did something happened?"
I asked her with a confused look and saw how her gaze lay on the busy street
„Just some minor belongings of mine got stolen probably last night"
This weird feeling from last night came up again.
This bad feeling..
I think I really feel guilty fuck
I couldn't look her in her beautiful eyes anymore
This feeling of guilt makes it impossible for me, so I just looked down to my hands on my lap
„That sounds...really shitty"
Omg mind couldn't you say something better?!

„Oh no need to be down now Darling."
She smiled to me and looks straight in my eyes as I turn my head to her
My cheeks just keep gaining blush
„Could I ask you what you do so alone on a bench?"
She asked now curious
It doesn't matter what a face she makes
She's always pretty
„Well I just wanted to go for a walk"
I told her
She doesn't need to know that I'm here because of a fight with my best friend.
„So do you have something planned for today or could I kidnap you for lunch together?"
My eyes widen as I looked at her
She wants to eat lunch with me together??
Who tf would refuse
„Yes of course Mrs. Devil"
I chuckle

She stood up and took my hand to help me standing up.
I smiled at this gesture and nod my head to her in a thankful manner and she smiled back to me.
„You can also call me Cruella, darling"
She told me and it made my heart beat jump again
„Thank you Cruella"
I simply couldn't stop my silly smiling anymore on our way to the restaurant.

My narcissistic ass still doesn't know if I can describe emotions and actions right :(

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