Embarressment and weird questions

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Your local depressed Author:
Well hey you reading this right now :)
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But I wanted to say thank you all for reading my lovely bullshit :D
I didn't expect to get 22 stars after being inactive for whole three days (and sorry for that)
I also didn't expect that 169 (haha 69 yk? Haha....yeah sorry) people would read it my stuff like DAMN I'm 1. bad at/in(?) english and 2. i never really wrote stories before not even in my native language.
I hope you guys will keep enjoying this story and yeah
Have fun with this chapter now <3

POV: Y/n
We arrived at a very noble and rich looking restaurant.
I can hear my wallet cry....
I thought as I looked at the restaurant with big child like eyes.
Through the window I could see some guests from the restaurant.
They all looked so....so rich.
I know my explanation are shitty but I have nothing more to say than.....they simply look rich.

I looked down at myself, I don't even look anything near rich.
Well what should I expect from myself? I'm basically a homeless living in a lost house.
I'm somehow deeply embarrassed.
The first time I met Cruella I looked like a rich and noble person with my deep dark red dress and all the makeup and now she sees me walking around like a trash can.
It's so embarrassing to stand next to a well known fashion designer like that.

„Y/n? Are you alright darling?"
Cruellas voice kicked me straight out of my thoughts and I saw her worried face in front of mine.
She even bowed a little bit down to me because her black leather high heels made her to tall.
And again I can feel my cheeks heat up the more I look in her light green grayish eyes.
„Yeah I am don't worry"
I smiled to her.
The fact that she was worried about me for a moment let's my heart jump.
„But you looked very pale for a moment. Let's go in and get you some water and something to eat, then you will feel better"
She said and took my hand again to lead me inside.

I could have pay my attention to the pretty and expensive looking decorations in the store but I rather gave it to Cruellas hand which is holding mine and watching her white and black looks jumping in every movement softly.
My heart couldn't stop it's WAY to loud and fast bumping.
I hope Cruella couldn't hear it and the guests around us.
What the fuck is happening with me??
I asked myself in my mind and took deep quiet breaths to calm down.

A man in suit greeted us with a bow.
Well he actually greeted Cruella and looked me up and down in a little disgust.
Shitty noble man should better not look at me in that way again if he wants to keep his eyesight.
The noble bastard told us were our table is and we went to it.

On our way there Cruella suddenly let's go of my hand.
In didn't wanted her to let go actually.
We sat down on our table and sat in front of each other.
I got a little flashback from Hell Hall and how we sat there too and talked.
„What do you want to order darling?"
Cruellas soft voice asked me.
„A wine and something to eat that isn't to expensive please"
I smiled a bit embarrassed.
I don't want to admit to her that I'm poor even when she could see it now how poor I look next to the other people here in the restaurant.
I really feel uncomfortable here.
I thought looking down at the table.

„Why something that isn't to expensive?"
She asked giving me a confused but also a slightly worried look.
„Well umm I don't really have much money with right now"
I could look in her beautiful eyes, I'm to embarrassed so I looked to my site.

I could hear her chuckle.
Her cute chuckle didn't made my heart race right now because she probably laughs at me for being poor.
„Oh darling! I invited you for lunch and not you me. Of course I will pay for us don't worry Y/n"
She cared the back of my hand, that was laying on the table.
And she gave me a warming smile.
I felt a comfortable warm feeling inside of me when I look at her.
It make me forget how uncomfortable I feel in the noble restaurant.
I couldn't really describe it but she just makes me feel good.

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