Dont go tripping over Masons foot

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One day in 7th grade the bell had just rang, Brice was heading to his locker with Alfred.

"Don't you hate when people stand in the hallways randomly talking," Brice complained.

"God I know right! It's just like a road you stop moving and your hit!" Alfred backed up his point.

Next thing you know Brice is in the air flying towards the ground while his zebra print pencil box is flying away!
"Ka-BAM!" Down goes Brice. His 32 pack of perfectly sharper crayons were quickly spreading through the hall. They were obviously done for, along with the rest do Brice's things.... And even Brice!

Alfred was laughing so hard she accidentally kicked Brice's fluorescent binder straight into the trophy case.

Brice had tripped over Masons foot!

During that hour Alfred sang, "DON'T GO TRIPPING OVER MASONS FOOOOOTTTTTT!!!" The whole hour.
Brice's buns got really steamed after hearing the new hit single 'Brice is going down'. Alfred didn't care and continued spreading the love of Brice's fall.

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