Tripping in Gym

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It was 4th hour and brice, (also known as grease) Chloe, and Alaina were all enjoying a game of volleyball.

When grease was running to catch the ball she happened to trip over nothing! "woAHHHHH IMMA GOING DOWN!!!"
Grease had hit the floor and went sliding! As grease picked herself and regained confidence after Chloe and Alaina died laughing we continued to play as grease tried to pretend nothing happened. But c'mon, who could forget an awesome moment like that!

After having some more good volleys the ball happened to be hit out of bounds and was rolling away towards the boys soccer game that was going on.
"I'll get it!!" Screamed grease while running towards it.

When all of a sudden.
Grease tripped over herself and went flying!
"wAAAHHHH SWEET JESUS!" She wailed as she hit the floor with an earth shaking crash!
She made the loudest falling noise known to man.
She slid a whole 8 feet! Straight into the boys court!
As Grease looked up mortified she saw her crush staring back and he slowly looked away. Alaina was choking bc she was laughing so hard.
Grease abandoned the ball and sprinted away almost falling in the process.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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