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After much inner battling, I think I need more training before going to some abandoned cave or burial site, whatever it was and Jorrvaskr seemed like the perfect place to train. I’m such a terrible pitiful person, I have to tell myself this to justify that  want to be companion over everything and anything else. So here I am, the woman from the field in front of whiterun, Aela was her name, She told me to speak with some guy, Kodlak… Now, I stand at the door. This place was dangerous, as soon as i opened the door i almost got my head smacked off by some fighting warriors. I shake my head, sending my thoughts in every direction, then I swing open the door.

“You have my brother and I, obviously. But I don't know if the rest will go along quite so easily.” said, the man I had saved.

“Leave that to me.” replied the older man beside him, his eyes looked into mine, they were a unnatural silver color.

“I- I’m Valie and I- uh wish to join Companions” I rubbed the back of my neck smoothing the standing hairs..

“Would you now? Here, let me have a look at you. Hm. Yes, perhaps. A certain strength of spirit.” He proclaimed, his gaze never breaking with mine,

“Master, you're not truly considering accepting her?” said the man I had saved,

“Hold up, you’re the one who suggested I come here!” I point out,

“I did not.” He looked at me then I realised, he looked different, his eyes seemed wiser,as if they had seen many things, terrible things. He seemed to notice my confusion,then he spoke recognition in his voice.

“Ahh, you are the girl Farkas met... the beauty,Daughter of Dibella he claimed, I don’t see it, but I am Vilkas, Red Goddess” Vilkas smirked while bowing his head slightly, I felt my cheeks burn, my freckled skin was probably red all over. then he turned to Kodlak his demeanor changed,

“Master-” He started,

“I am nobody's master, Vilkas. And last I checked, we had some empty beds in Jorrvaskr for those with a fire burning in their hearts.” Kodlak interrupted, looking quite amused at what had just occurred.

“Apologies. But perhaps this isn't the time. I've never even heard of this outsider.” Vilkas spat, I clenched my teeth, I would not let this man ruin my chances of being a Companion. “Sometimes the famous come to us. Sometimes men and women come to us to seek their fame. It makes no difference. What matters is their heart.” Kodlak says looking at me again, as if he could actually feel my heart.

“And their arm.” Vilkas added, gaining Kodlak’s attention,

“Of course. How are you in a battle?...Valie?”

“I have much to learn.” I murmur considering many of my father’s lessons were often interrupted by Ralof inviting me to play.

“That’s the spirit.Here lets get started, Vilkas, take Valie out to the yard and see what she can do.”  Kodlak says,

I hear a low growl come from Vilkas, Wait, did he just growl?

“The old man said to have a look at you, so let's do this. Just have a few swings at me so I can see your form. Don't worry, I can take it.” Vilkas was standing in front of me, he had handed me a steel sword and now waited in a fighting stance. He had a good stand he also fought two-handed with a steel greatsword, it looked kinda dull though. He lifted his hand and waved it in front of my face, gaining my attention.

I narrowed my eyes then swung first, my blade met his, inches from his smirking face.  He then surprised me with a quick thrust, causing me to quickly block it before he hit my exposed hip. I looked at him, bewildered he only stepped away, I took that as a signal to lunge, and I did. Time slowed as I realized he wasn't blocking. He eyes turned silver, then his sword blocked with inhuman speed. I blinked and his eyes were normal he cleared his throat,

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