I.The Needles Family

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There was once a family, a small family who once owned a very successful business producing thimbles using small amounts of steel. A man with the name of Sean Needles who took the name of the last descendant of the Needles family from his wife Nedra Needles as a secretive and hidden witch from the village. With two daughters at birth; The oldest named Sewlona and youngest Thimbella. 

In the 1800's there were times that many demands needles, threads, and even thimbles to help protect thumbs of skin being broken. Mending was a strong skill for Nedra and her side of the family as well as sorcery. Sewing became much more than a chore and a everyday hobby. But a helpful source of creating artificial life with a help of soul sand. A substance used bring life to inanimate objects. A gift from an ally from another country containing the essence of the living. Nedra had created dolls in her daughter's image and in order to keep them company. 

"One of these days, girls. You will have magic of your in the palm of your hands like me." She said to her daughter's seeing their eyes lit up hopefully. 

"But when will we have magic powers?" Thimbella asked in curiosity and sounding a little impatient.

"When you're older. But first I will teach you how to sew and mend holes. Nedra said while giving both Sewlona and Thimbella a spool thread in the color of black containing a sharp needle, and torn piece of fabric. Sean leaned against the entrance of the hallway with doubts and concerns about his daughter's future and if they were to inherit their mother's magical abilities. 

Two hours later...

"What you do mean I shouldn't teach them witchcraft?!" Nedra yelled in the foyer, her husband stood in front trying to be stone faced but the anxiety and fear took its course.

"Nedra, I don't want them to get hurt or even killed. I've seen many witches like yourself burned at the stakes alive! I don't want that happening to our children." 

Sean remembered seeing a couple; a witch and a warlock tied side by side at the same stake while standing on smaller branches and twigs of trees collected by many villagers and authorities. The witch cried and pleaded that mean no harm. The Warlock face full of rage and a hint of hatred. 

"You're making a mistake. We tried to protect your loved ones from the evil and this is how you repay with? Death?! Because what you think we work with the devil?!" 

The mayor held the torch high the air for all the see. Ellen Tone and Jefferson Myrer, has been found guilty for commenting crimes against nature. By using Sorcery and witchcraft! Their is to be sentenced to death by fire!" He lowers the torch letting the spread engulfing the twigs and branches, reaching to the couple as they scream and shout in pain. Sean turned away from the horrific scene, retching in disgust. The crowd cheered in delight after the fire finished it's meal. Sean ran away from all this with many emotions struggling within his mind. Telling Nedra about made her horrified and made her more careful when using sorcery. Nearly every night he had vague nightmares of the scene replaying over and over like a broken record. Even ones where his wife and two daughters were the ones tied onto stakes underneath trimmed branches to burn. He tried to reach to stop the madness but some ungodly kept pulling him from his family. 

"I understand... but I need to teach to use magic well. So they have more control or they could hurt themselves as well as others. So that way no one will never know of them being witches and they will be safe." Nedra said calming herself down while looking up if the girls were listening to their conversation. 

His wife was right, they needed to be trained, keeping their powers hidden from society or otherwise they could be killed. 

Five years later...

As years went by were times, the outbreak of diseases and plagues were not easily cured. Sean had caught the plague and became very ill. Nedra and the two girls however were untouched by any diseases spreading across the land to another. Magic users cannot catch any mortal sicknesses or deadly viruses known to man. Therefore, other kinds of magic users as well. Even magical creatures like trolls, fairies, and many that were unnamed. Soon Sean was declared dead as well as others who were sick. The family business was passed to Nedra to run, as for Sewlona since their mother was preoccupied, she had to teach herself and her younger sister to sew and learn new spells to conduct. Not to mention to use soul sand properly. But little did Sewlona and Thimbella knew that soul sand had a time limit and eventually it becomes cotton once it's magic is used up.  

The two girls had more control over their powers, managing to keep them private from the people. Nedra had never been prouder in her life even as the new owner of the business until... 

Tragedy came as Nedra was murdered at night in the forest, accused of sorcery but the evidence never had surfaced. Some believe it was the case, others claimed it was an excuse for killing. Sewlona wasn't old enough to take after their parents position as the owner, thus Sean's brother Theo. He refused to take them in as their guardian due to 'certain' reasons why. Being against all witches, warlocks, and other magical creatures. Therefore Sewlona had to care of her younger sister as her own with help of financial aid of taking their parents fortune and a new house to live in. 

Thimbella's eldest sister was no longer Sewlona, she became The Bel Dame of the Pink Palace.

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